The Wellness Committee meeting ended quickly and scandalously


Again, the parliament’s welfare committee did not listen to members of the welfare operational strain responsible for fighting the coronavirus epidemic on Monday because the meeting was closed, the MTI writes.

After Lajos Korózs (MSZP), the chairman of the board announced that the quorum had a quorum and a debate immediately began. Nacsa Lőrinc (KDNP) said they wanted to table an amendment to the agenda, orally. Lajos Korózs replied that the house rules only provide for it in writing, before the meeting. The commission’s Socialist chairman said that after a brief consultation, however, it could be orally modified. They then voted on the previously announced agenda, which was not approved by four votes to ten.

Lőrinc Nacsa asked the board not to include most of the proposed items on the agenda, including the first, in which the representatives of the operating personnel reportedly informed the committee. He expressed: scandalous and unacceptable what the left has been doing since the beginning of the pandemic, and says that it is not enough to obstruct the defense, but that it also attacks its participants.

Nacsa mentioned the “camouflage video” of Lajos Korózs as a “low point”, which, according to the Fidesz politician, recently crowned Korózs with “camouflage statistics”, for which Nacsa considered the president of the board unworthy to derive the agenda epidemic. He said that this would only put the motion for a resolution on the measures necessary to protect the health of children and minors and the point on the rest.

Tímea Szabó In his comment (on the dialogue), he described the behavior of parliamentarians in favor of the government as shameful. He considered that the committee members could not question the identity of the panel chairman, as he had been elected by parliament.

Now he wants to break and abolish a 30-year common law for vile political reasons,

he turned to pro-government deputies. “You are the ones who do not want to inform people about the epidemic,” he added.

The opposition politician pointed out that no report had been made on the “camouflage video,” nor had MPs suggested that Lajos Korózs had become unworthy of his position as chair of the welfare committee. This was followed by a heated debate in the House, which Lajos Korózs ended with the closing of the committee meeting for not having an approved agenda.

About the meeting Krisztina hohn, A representative from LMP also reported in a video uploaded to Facebook and also spoke about the first screams of Fidesz and then withdrawing from the meeting.

The representatives of Fidesz-KDNP will simply boycott the meeting,

Hohn stated. He added that in the interests of the electorate, the operational tribe would have been asked if there are enough trial health workers, how they intend to deal with the epidemic in the next period. The MP said it was outrageous that, amid an epidemic, pro-government MPs were unwilling to attend the Public Welfare Committee meeting on the merits.

In our special photo Lajos Korózs, photo: Szilárd Koszticsák / MTI
