The vice president of the European Commission said ugly about Viktor Orbán, that’s why Judit Varga said he should resign


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According to Justice Minister Judit Varga, Vera Jourová, vice president of the European Commission, insulted Hungary and all its citizens when, in an interview with Spiegel, Viktor Orbán said that he was building a sick democracy. The Minister considers that this is an open attack on Hungary, which is incompatible with European values, so Jourova should resign with immediate effect.

The European Commissioner for Values ​​and Transparency described Orbán’s policy to Spiegel with a mediocre joke: the Czech liberal politician said that Orbán likes to talk about building an illiberal democracy in Hungary, but said it was not an illiberal democracy, just a democracy. sick. democracy.

Jourová has previously criticized the Orbán government, expressed concern about the empowerment law, called the accusations of one of the national consultations on the EU fake news and assured Index workers, who have since been fired in groups, their solidarity.

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

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