The validity of expired documents is extended.


It was written that to reduce the number of social contacts, the government extended the validity of expired documents, so that cards expired after November 4 will remain usable in Hungary for 60 days after the end of the current emergency. The same applies to documents that expired between March 11 and July 3 during the spring emergency.

It was also reported that government windows and government office customer services continue to receive clients by appointment only. In the case of government counters, based on the system already in place since November 11, it is still possible to make an appointment at idopont, on the revamped website, or online toll free telephone number 1818.

Thus, as of March 8, appointments made in the last period will not be canceled, the staff of the government windows are waiting for clients on official business, who can still book an appointment in the central appointment booking application available online, even without gateway registration.

In which case this is possible, instead of personal administration, the electronic administration available through the website is still recommended.

It was recalled that government agencies have introduced a series of security measures to protect the health of clients and administrators. Thus, in addition to arriving on time, you should only be present at customer service with a mask that covers your mouth and nose, you cannot wait in the customer area, it is mandatory to maintain a distance of 1.5- 2 meters, Completed documents are delivered by post to the offices, personal collection is only possible in exceptional cases.
