The vaccination program in Sweden had to stop because Moderna vaccines were poorly stored


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In five regions of Sweden, the vaccination program with Moderna vaccine was temporarily stopped because it was not stored correctly during transport.

About 2,100 doses of the US company’s vaccine have been stored at inappropriate temperatures, but about 1,000 of these vaccines have already been administered, health officials said.

The Public Health Agency is investigating whether improper storage has affected the effectiveness of the vaccine and whether affected individuals should be revaccinated.

The vaccines in question have been administered to healthcare workers, who will be notified of the incident in a message, said Ingemar Hallen, a physician responsible for infectious disease control in Varmland.

Swedish pharmacy Apoteket AB, which sells Moderna vaccines, has said it is investigating what happened.

According to the Public Health Agency, around 146,000 people in Sweden were vaccinated against the coronavirus on January 17.

