The use of the mask is more strictly controlled in stores.


Safe shopping conditions in outdoor stores need to be improved, according to commercial workers, as it can be seen that many still do not wear masks. According to them, in addition to wearing a mask, the observance of a protection distance of one and a half meters could also be regulated, wrote Magyar Nemzet.

Even at the time of the first wave of the epidemic, it was important to avoid congestion in open stores during emergencies. The signs posted in front of the cash registers showed various places where there are limits to safe queues. Since the summer, masks have been mandatory in all business units in Hungary and compared to this, not everyone has been wearing protective gear as the number of people infected with the coronavirus has increased for days.

“Despite the fact that doctors and virologists warn the population daily: use the mask indoors, in stores, and even say that the spread of the epidemic should be prevented by extending the mandatory use of the mask, it is very common for customers uncover. they are in stores with their mouths and noses. The phenomenon can also be observed in smaller stores and department stores. The president of the Independent Trade Union of Commercial Workers told the newspaper.

According to Csaba Bubenkó, as was the case in the limited spring period, it must be taken into account that the risk of contagion increases in food stores, where thousands of people visit every day, and in polar stores that only host a few people, preventing prevention. it also requires customers and commercial workers in the same airspace.

A shop in Budapest during the coronavirus epidemic: it would be important to wear a mask and keep the proper distancePhoto: Sándor Csudai – Origo

Experts say that the massive presence in a closed space is a source of viral infection.

Currently, the mask and hand washing are the basic means of protection at a distance of one and a half meters, however, the latter does not make sense if it can be seen that, otherwise, there is congestion in the business.

The overriding common interest, which also overrides business considerations, is that there should be no need for adjustments, such as shortening opening hours in the daily consumer goods trade.

We all remember what extreme situations the first wave caused in stores as well, in many cases only overcome with superhuman performance. – said Csaba Bubenkó, pointing out that As a general rule, a safety distance of one and a half meters should be maintained for a safe purchase.

As he said, his proposal would be to calculate by size, by type of store, how many customers can be at the point of sale at the same time.

In this way, the optimal number of employees can be determined, within which daily shopping does not represent a greater risk compared to other routine activities, even if the mask is not used by everyone present.

Customers wait before opening a grocery store in NyíregyházaSource: MTI / Attila Balázs

The president pointed out that the issue of the use of a mask was increasing among merchants, who also indicated from many places that many buyers do not wear a mask when entering the store because, for example, the cashier does not use the device, which is usually the case. that a Plexiglas wall was drawn around the box; in this case, it is not necessary to change a mask all day. The same is true in traffic or gas stations, where the salesperson only has to wear a mask outside the cash register area surrounded by Plexiglas.

However, there is also a store where no plastic protective mask or wall separates the seller from the buyer on any server. The number of such cases is expected to decrease, as in the southern districts of the capital, for example, in the XIX, XX, XXI centuries. districts – there were already inspectors in various grocery stores and tobacconists, demanding that those present comply with the law and, if necessary, fine the offender. Magyar Nemzet writes that more and more stores are definitely shipped to the customer who arrives without a mask, because merchants fear possible punishment.
