The Undersecretary of State distributes a laptop with a campaign mask labeled “Hajrá, Zsófi” in a lucky bedroom


The coronavirus and the fight against it. The situation at home and in the world.

The interim election will be held in the sixth constituency of Borsod on Sunday, October 11, and the program of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) was formed by the fact that the undersecretary of state, Károly Balázs Solymár, handed over a computer laptop at Szerencs Secondary School College on Thursday. . And whoever thinks of a coincidence, Solymár “Come on, Zsófi“Will answer your questions:

Photo: János Vajda / MTI / MTVA

Zsófia Koncz, the Fidesz-KDNP parliamentary candidate, was also present at the event smelling of the campaign to declare: “Hungarian education is performing fantastically and smoothly despite the epidemic, but online education is necessary, and advances in digitization also serve this purpose. “.

Zsófia Koncz, parliamentary candidate of Fidesz-KDNP and Károly Balázs Solymár, Undersecretary of State for Digitization of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Szerencs Secondary School CollegePhoto: János Vajda / MTI / MTVA

By the way, the laptop was delivered within the framework of the ITM digital collaboration program, the essence of which is that businesses and non-profit organizations can bid and therefore those who need it can get computer equipment, laptops and tablets. Of the offers, the tank area will receive 32 laptops,

Balázs Károly Solymár handed over a laptop in the bedroom.

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