The tugboat line has ended, the renovation of metro line 3 will continue in January


The smaller of the two bad ones was chosen by the capital: according to Népszava, with the approval of the BKV board of directors, a contract modification will be signed with Swietelsky Vasúttechnika Kft., Which is working on the renovation of the triple metro, before the Christmas holidays.

The contractor must move to the work area as soon as possible, but no later than January 11, and continue the work that was stopped in November.

The deadline for completing the reconstruction will still be postponed until January 2023, while the deadline for obtaining EU support will be 2023. If it is not completed by then, the capital and with it the Hungarian state could fall many tens of billions of guilders of EU support.

Swietelsky Railway Technology filed an additional 18 billion claim in March, citing a series of slip-ups and additional tasks in the northern and southern sections. The city administration, which is struggling with the coronavirus epidemic, government withdrawals and the effects of the economic crisis, contacted the parent company in a letter, but the response was a cold-voiced rejection, Népszava writes.

A tug of war has begun between the company and capital, the phases of which are detailed in a newspaper article.

The cost of upgrading the triple meter was originally set at $ 120 billion and is currently $ 217.5 billion. Of this, 172 billion are EU funds.
