The transfer began statically in Eger due to the coronavirus


On Thursday evening, more than fifty employees at the Markhot Ferenc Training Hospital and Clinic in Eger were informed that the next morning they would be transferred to Balassagyarmat hospital to treat coronavirus patients. Many of the transferred herds indicated that they had received little information at first, nor did they know that they had to cross Eger every day or provide accommodation for them. However, following interest in our work, it was said that austerity had lessened.

On Friday morning, a bus passed in front of the Dr. Kenessey Albert Hospital in Balassagyarmat, from which almost 50 people kindly disembarked. All of them are doctors, nurses and health professionals who have been transferred from the Ferenc Markhot Hospital and Training Clinic in Eger with reference to the treatment of the coronavirus epidemic.

The spread is that yesterday they told the hospital director that he would either exhibit 50-52 people who are already going to Balassagyarmat on Friday morning, or he could go too. “

– This is how one of’s sources described how most of them found out that they could start in a new place the next day and no matter what field they worked in, they would be given a new task due to the pandemic of Covid-19.

Another person familiar with the situation described the events as “acting like a senseless military commando.” We also tried to talk to the person in question, but the hospital referred us to the operations staff regarding the matter, so it is not known whether the director of the institution would have received such strong instruction. On the other hand, it is clear from the nature of the rumors how many people in Eger felt the action and redirection were strong.

Others told our newspaper that although the call was really strong, the rumors feed strongly on the case of April when the Minister of Humanities Miklós Kásler dismissed the head of the National Institute of Medical Rehabilitation, Péter Cserháti, because 60 percent of beds. Now, they say, only a “definite order” has been received.

Bad communication?

This time in Eger on Thursday night, no special reasons were given to those concerned about the transfer, only given so many discounts that those with a child under the age of 16 cannot be transferred to the other county. However, there are also female workers among the exceptions that have not been exempted in such a way that their partner is pregnant every hour. We were informed that they had not received an official response to the question whether they would receive accommodation in a city more than 80 kilometers away or that they would have to travel that distance every day.

Then in the afternoon, the austerity subsided after our newspaper contacted the relevant public and health institutions: our sources reported that they were informed in a much more humane tone that only 48 people were eventually transferred to a state transferable, and they also learned that they could be assigned 12-hour shifts. if the situation requires it. They remain in Eger until they are called in for care in Nógrád.

At first he should have spoken to us in that tone

– I appreciated an early afternoon style change (as he called it) for one of our newspapers in question.

The why is not clear

The transfer is not justified by the epidemiological situation in the area, since in the counties of Heves and Nógrád there are approximately the same number of infected: in the first there are 431 and in the second 428 identified coronaviruses, according to official data on Friday. In the past seven days, 135-138 cases have been diagnosed in the two areas, which is also below the seven-day national average of 230 people. In the case of the county of Nógrád, there was a big jump in the number of infected during the week, on September 24 they only knew about 250 cases, but the increase in Heves was also in the same proportions.

At the same time, the Dr. Kenessey Albert Hospital Outpatient Clinic may not need an increase in capacity because of the people infected here, but because, in addition to the Covid centers in Budapest, it is a designated care center for patients in the capital. In other words, someone from Budapest can be admitted to a hospital in Balassagyarmat, which is 1.5 hours and almost 90 kilometers away by road, if their state requires medical supervision.

Register many new patients and victims

On Friday, 1,322 new Hungarian citizens were diagnosed with the new coronavirus infection, increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 28,631. Seventeen patients died, bringing the death toll to 798 and 6,349 have already recovered. 740 coronavirus patients are being hospitalized, 47 of whom are on ventilators.

Our knowledge was confirmed by various Eger sources (doctors, acquaintances, patients), but the Ferenc Markhot Teaching Hospital itself directed us to the Operative Staff for our telephone consultations, they did not have the opportunity to answer the questions posed. We only received information from the Eger municipality that they had not been officially notified of the matter.

Finally, the Ministry of Human Resources told our newspaper that “in the spring, according to a well-established prescription, the epidemiological authority has recently instructed doctors and nurses from various hospitals to designated primary institutions. The reorientation of duly qualified medical personnel is based on these hospitals will continue to be able to perform their basic functions. “

They also indicated that transfers were not only taking place between these two institutions, affecting 18 institutions throughout the country where the process had begun in recent days. In keeping with the dynamics of the epidemic, doctors and nurses are being reassigned from hospitals that are not currently involved in infection control. They claim that host institutions provide accommodation for redeployed shares everywhere.

Patients are treated, doctors are worse

The transfer of doctors is also not good news for the county’s fierce care, according to locals, according to locals, there has been a severe shortage of care in the recent period. Although all stressed that care was organized independently in the institution, patients did not feel the burden as much. “The situation is not worse than the national average, but with the departure of all the doctors, the situation will be worse,” they described the circumstances. Our newspaper also did not complain about this on the spot, and it was even interesting to say that it will not only be from the care staff, but also from the patients who will be transferred to the focal hospital.

According to Emmi’s response to our article, “Patient care continues to be provided in all institutions.”

They are unhappy with sick pay and missed work

On the other hand, the transfer is very bad for doctors and nurses: many people also have second jobs, which they have to quit now, because they can be transferred to Balassagyarmat at any time. According to them, in addition to the low wages, this is a “very big aggravation” because if they become infected or quarantined, they will only receive 60 percent of their salary under sick pay, despite the fact that they have been exposed to the disease. coronavirus while caring for patients. They can claim full refund in a lengthy and uncertain procedure, but only if they are also certified as infected.

We also learned that in Heves County, the demand for coronavirus tests has increased in recent days, so there is a 3-4 day waiting period for them. They were also informed that in recent days several patients have been admitted to hospitals in neighboring cities (for example, Miskolc), and Eger patients have told that several of them have been notified this week of that his surgery on the waiting list will be postponed due to the epidemic. however, it turned out that on weekends the guard service also receives fewer people than normal. None of them were called unusual.

Such is the case of Hungarian healthcare

one of them explained.
