The story of a dollar


In Belgium, most people died of coronary heart disease when the death toll is in the population. But it’s not too cold. Almost 8,000 people died by law in Belgium’s 11 millionths due to the law. More than 25 times more than 10 millis in Hungary. There is no mistake that the Belgian government in balliberlis had not made with the handling of the law. Neglect of danger, inaction, belief in means of protection, as well as corruption. And, of course, there is also a highly questionable aptitude for health ministers. Maggie De Block, the 58-child balliberlis policy who is one of Guy Verhofstadt’s closest confidants. Given that the law, perhaps taking into account the problems, but there the main responsibility of the left government itself, was handled by Belgium with the least degree of influence, the opinion expressed several times in the Belgian debates: Maggie De Block is certainly the worst.

Maggie De Block grew up and grew up in a small town in Brussels, Merchtem. Relatively soon, as soon as 16 kidneys became involved in politics, he joined the Belgian liberal youth organization called “Freedom and Development” (PVV), which was accidentally started by Luc Asselman, a 7-year-old student. He is attracted to the kmi, so he probably decided to go to medical school after high school, where he earned a general practitioner degree in 1991.

Maggie De BlockSource: AFP / Daina Le Lardic

Maggie De Block, a mother of two, originally planned to work as a family doctor, for which she held 25 hugs. Meanwhile, he regarded politics as a hobby and dealt with the regional forces of the Flemish liberals, either as his brother, Eddy De Block, who would be the mayor of Merchtem, or as his young man, who became a representative of the government. So he prefers national politics. He began his important political career in 1999 and began a letter in which he offered his services to Guy Verhofstadt, who worked for prtelnkknt. The letter proved impressive, with a parliamentary representative after the 1999 elections, helping Guy Verhofstadt from one of the major electoral teams (Brussels-Hall-Vilvoorde) until 2011, when the socialist Elio set the world record for 541 days. In di Rupo’s government, there will be state secrets on social and poverty issues, as well as immigration and asylum issues.

Fairly liberal immigration laws were not enough for some far-left anarchists, as the recording shows, for example:

Migrants cheat on declarations of paternity to get Belgian priests – leave then-government secretary of state for Immigration, Maggie De Block

Mr. So, there is a lot of criticism for the large uncontrolled influx of migrants. Right now, I like the “purchased paternity declarations” in Belgium, as during 2012-13 serious criminal networks dealt with the fact that migrant women arriving in Belgium with children of Belgian citizens could accept a declaration of acknowledgment of paternity, citing your previous illegal status. Televzi indicated in 2013 that there were problems with declarations of paternity, and a case had also been reported in which a Congolese, that is, a Belgian citizen of Bevndorl, recognized 17 children, of course money.

Source: –

In 2013, the Flemish politician became a politician based on the votes of the readers of the French newspaper La Libre Belgique, and was soon elected the most popular Flemish politician, but he soon had to abandon the task of strategic migration due to the series of paternity fraud. Maggie De Block’s helplessness turned into a big scandal, and she did nothing against fraud, and then anti-immigrant Theo Francken (N-VA) took over as secretary of state.

After the fall of the socialist Di Rupo-fle government, he was appointed Minister of Health in the liberal Charles Michel government in 2014, which is not accidental, since the liberal government, Charles Michel, had close ties to the Flemish liberals, his leader Guy Verhofstadt and the Open VLD. Politician Maggie De Block had to secure a ministerial position. As Maggie De Block puts it on her official website, it was her “lmai job”. The other question is that, from the beginning, we will be told that a ministry has been subjected to constant questioning. It is not by chance.

Repel tmadsok

Numerous (unequivocally rejects) attacks against Maggie De Block, the hyperliberal and ultra-tolerant in Belgium. Liberal Washington spokesman Tom Van de Weghe, a Flemish VRT television broadcaster, said in a Twitter message that “the appointment of Maggie De Block as health minister raises credibility issues,” “especially in a country where he is a very serious health problem. ” bring to this a British newspaper called “Mirror”. Maggie De Block told this recording that “I know I’m not a model figure, but you have to look at what’s inside and not the packaging.” But Block’s politicians were also killing him, and a public opinion poll found that 74% of Belgians in Michel’s new government were Maggie De Block’s most popular minister at the time. In 2014, of course, but then, increasingly, he got to the center of wild pranks on Belgian TV shows. He turned to disguise himself as Statistician for Maggie De Block, leaping and staggering on stage as the crowd roared. And now the man is not addressed in the shows either. Just consider that one of the main responsibilities of the law is horrible.

Maggie De Block in the Parliament of BrusselsSource: AFP / Photo News / Philip Reynaers

Asbestos (s): several virgins are dead, serious corruption, the Soros man in the background, Guy Verhofstadt and his fighter, Maggie De Block

In 2019, a very strange political scandal erupted in Belgium, dating back to a time when Gyrgy Soros was known to trust her man, Guy Verhofstadt, in government. The scandal developed as a result of the crushing of asbestos, as was the case once in 2006-2007.

The country was still led by a liberal politician, Guy Verhofstadt, and in 2019, when Charles Michel, the Walloon Liberal leader, was replaced by Sophie Wilmès, the Liberal Prime Minister of the current government. It is worth mentioning at the time of the complex and extremely long fact that asbestos was a cheap and popular material in the 60s and 70s, not only in Belgium but worldwide. This marked the cover of Berlaymont, which was considered one of the symbols of the European Union in 1965 and served as a commission for Commissioners, and which had to be sealed, as the asbestos used in the original raw materials was found to be a severe and severe illness. There were many such cases in Belgium at the time, including a major government case, the “Finance Tower,” which was held by the current state Finance Ministry until it was sold. In this case, too, serious asbestos problems were identified. The liberal-socialist government has chosen to sell the board instead of raising it, according to official figures, 272 million euros and 311 million euros in the press, according to official figures, to a well-known Dutch businessman, Frank Zweegers, with approximately 200,000 meters squares of office space. Frank Zweegers promised to lift the pavement and make it asbestos-free, knowing that the Belgian government had taken the pavement until at least 2034. With the Liberalist-led Socialist-Liberal level in Verhofstadt Finance Minister Didier Reynders with a effective participation, built 83 similar asbestos-contaminated apartments between 2000 and 2008. 1.3 billion euros. 25 office contracts have been concluded for these office buildings, the cost of which is increasingly borne by Belgian taxpayers due to Belgian indexation, and in 2018 the Belgian government paid a total of € 161 million in rent. This practice was repeated in 2010 in Smvevsk, Belgium, and in 2019 by the Pnzgyi Review Organization. The sale of “The Finance Tower” is the largest real estate transaction in Belgium of all time, but as we will see, it has become a panacea, as the sale of the Belgian state platform has plunged into a serious corruption scandal, with almost 10 inspections in 2012. 3 participants received a € 9 million bribe for the transaction, two of them were spent and a police officer at the time admitted that he had also received money from a Dutch businessman.

Maggie De Block on March 17 in BrusselsForrs: Belgium via AFP / Benoit Doppagne

The Verhofstadt government also developed this classic left-wing corruption scandal by ignoring the question of whether Zweegers paid for the farmer and, if so, how much. It is a coincidence? According to the Belgian report 7sur7, it was not until 2019 that Zweegers paid 13 million euros less than he should have paid, and the first instance in Brussels ordered the Dutch businessman, who appealed against this amount, to pay at least this amount. According to the Flemish newspaper “De Tijd”, according to the Flemish newspaper, “The Finance Tower” was surprised, and the Belgian state paid between 15 and 20 million euros more than what the market dictates. The businessman sold the invoice for € 1.2 billion, which he originally bought for $ 272 million, to a Korean businessman, and of course the Belgian state will return at least another 14 vig.

But not only this corruption is spreading through Verhofstadt on asbestos, but also the postponement of the asbestos crossing. In the 1990s, thousands of people in Belgium searched unscrupulously, without government support, to justify the fact that they had to work on plaster made of asbestos and that it was later discovered to be unhealthy. The number of people who became ill, died, or became disabled grew. These crosses fought a kind of “Dvid Glit fight” against one of the world’s largest conglomerate conglomerates, Eternit, which is the largest Belgian pharmaceutical conglomerate in this field, winning the defense of the liberal political elite from the start. (“Artsenkrant”) reported that there was one family in which all 4 members died of asbestos. It is no wonder that this serious problem also had to be addressed at the government level. Based on the “Artsenkrant” look, in 2007 there was a bill that would have solved the problem in various ways, all political actors showed their willingness to agree, but Verhofstadt intervened, reached an agreement and adopted a new proposal that weakened the issue. According to the original draft, an “asbestos base” was created, from which, albeit with a lengthy procedure, cross-border workers were able to obtain a low amount, but in return had to give up all other claims (material and legal ) to Eternit. against the company. Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt argued at the time that he was representing the interests of the Eternit company in some way.

Maggie De BlockSource: Belgium through AFP / Nicolas Maeterlinck

It is no coincidence that in 2019, the same advocates also ventured against Verhofstadt’s idea, Maggie De Block. Ms. Valerie Van Peel (N-VA) first submitted a proposal for an outdated and controversial asbestos compensation law, which would have expanded the scope of the original proposal to more asbestos-related illnesses and changed benefits for the elders. , or would have facilitated the basic application. The amendment was not accepted because the protests on the left withdrew from the relevant commission, making it impossible to vote legitimately for the positive changes planned in the interest of the Commission. In an interview with Flemish Radio1, Verriestadt and Maggie De Block criticized Valerie Van Peel for arguing that the Baliberal politicians represent the interests of companies against the Belgian people and therefore opposed the approval of the amendment. The Belgian Asbestos Workers Association (ABeVA) was surprised by the behavior of the Balliberl player, and addressed the Belgian public in a communication: “We would like to remind you that asbestos is not a historical problem.” Asbestos mg always has more than 500 victims in our country, which deserves a wide range of benefits ”. The changes were finally accepted by social pressure.

Cranial Coronary Artery Disease Treatment: Transporting, Bagging, and Removing 5 Million Maggie De Block Masks

There is no doubt that Maggie De Block, or what is called “Mega-Maggie” in government circles, is the most criticized for dealing with the Belgian legal situation. It is not easy to make the country have not had a normal government for 500 days, the current “Government against the coronary arteries” did not receive full authority until mid-March.

On the first day after the appearance of the first patient with coronary heart disease, the first action was taken, and the surprising number of Belgian deaths was not explained by the government. This is the responsibility of the Minister of Health, Maggie De Block, who, like the UN health offices, did not understand the vrus slyossgt. In Belgium’s 11 million, more than 25 times more people died in law than in Hungary’s 10 million.

The situation is well illustrated by an interview with Belgian political scientist Pascal Dewit, who turned himself in to Internet jsg “7sur7” on April 10. “Mr. Maggie De Block could not be a minister in a normal government. If we return a debate about what he did and what he did not do, then we believe that the VLSG does not have a single moment when it would not have made a mistake,” he adds. the political scientist. “They have serious problems not only with external management but also with their political powers. Her gestures and statements point to the end of the plyafutsa policy, “says Dewit, who also mentions that Maggie De Block may surprise her for a time, withdraw her resources, especially with regard to financing the credit system and reducing resources. this analysis is also based

In a Belgian show, we are imitating the Minister of HealthSource: Belgium through AFP / Thierry Roge

On February 7, Belgian public service television broadcasts the dangers of coronary heart disease. Maggie De Block admits that the coronary artery spreads faster than traditional nthnl, but argues that “ntha is more dangerous than the coronary artery.” It was then that Mr. Chrome discovered the first patient with a coronavirus in Belgium. Then he told Le Soir that “In Belgium, the law is under control.” The extent to which this was not evident is indicated in a complaint from the General Medical Association of Belgium, in which Belgian doctors stated that they had not received any information or equipment and that the procedure issued, without consulting them, was inapplicable.

So there is nothing to be surprised about, according to him, since the user of the mask, as he also explained in a television advertisement, “at the moment, does not make sense from a scientific point of view.” It has been shown that there is a cunning mask in Belgium to this day. as well as a role played by a Belgian-German businessman who inadvertently led Maggie De Block and Guy Verhofstadt in government elections. As we already understood, 5 million masks were purchased from Turkey from March 14 to 15, but that was never the case. Neither Belgian cheese nor politicians explained what was happening, and the Le Soir newspaper managed to discover that a Belgian-Turkish businessman, Mahmut z, could be related to the disappearance (theft?) Of the delivery, such as the company. The “Mahmut z Service Support Agency” should have brought the masks to the country, but they never came. There was no answer to the legitimate question (“where did the 5 million masks go?”), And Maggie De Block listened to the dispute for a long time. The mask came up under the name Nathalie Lionnet, the leader of the Belgian federal union, she told Le Soir daily. that “when I think of Maggie De Block, I only think of the lack of masks”.

Prilis versus Maggie De Block mg gray fluctuated more, it became evident that she could not control the law, the number of dead and sick showed an exponential increase. the death toll was close to 8,000. “And why, why is he always in position?” Asked the Christian union in a letter of resignation asking for resignation. As political scientist Pascal Dewit put it, “It will certainly happen, perhaps against the nyr, but it could just be saying.” (Without a doubt: the Minister of Health was about to be withdrawn from the mask scandal. When he arrived, there was no luck: one country spoke French very well. As is well known, one of the official languages ​​of Belgium is the French). What is for sure: Health Minister Maggie De Block The story of a dollar.

But let’s go back to where Pascal Dewit started, where he says that if we keep looking at what the health minister has done, we are only making mistakes. The following recording shows Maggie from Block in the middle of a video conference. This video is today one of the fastest broadcast videos in Belgium.

It is not worth commenting, it really is not possible. The region has also been featured in the largest Belgian newspaper, Le Soir, among the most respected Belgian jsg. They are justified by the fact that this is exceptionally scandalous behavior on the part of a health minister at times that must be demonstrated.

The recording was accompanied by a scientific video conference.
