“The sooner we restart the economy, the higher the price we will pay for it in terms of human lives.”


Cuomo announced an increase in the number of deaths from a coronavirus-induced pneumonia called Covid-19, while the epidemic claimed 226 deaths in the state on Sunday and 230 on Monday.

The sooner we restart the economy, the higher the price we will pay for it in terms of human lives. The fundamental question we don’t emphasize enough is how much a human life is worth!

Cuomo said. The Governor of New York again emphasized the importance of financial assistance from the federal government. As he said, by his decision, “the government will literally determine how many people will survive or die.”

He disputed the statement by United States President Donald Trump and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin that member states that mismanaged them prior to the epidemic would not receive government aid. “If the states are hungry, how can they be expected to participate in the restart of the entire country,” Cuomo questioned his position.

More than 2,400 recently diagnosed infections from New Jersey and more than 500 more deaths from Pennsylvania were reported Tuesday. The number of recently registered infections in southern Louisiana has also increased, although, as Governor John Bel Edwards said, the number of ventilator patients has dropped to less than 200. There are nearly 30,000 coronavirus infections in Louisiana.

The epidemic is also escalating in and around the federal capital, Washington. Governor of the state of Maryland near the capital Larry Hogan said Tuesday that one of the new focal points of the coronavirus epidemic had become Maryland, even though curfew restrictions had already been imposed in March.

In the United States, economic restarts have now started in 41 Member States, and 45 Member States have announced that there will be no more education in schools, including universities, this school year.

According to data from Johns Hopkins University and the Baltimore Hospital on Tuesday south, the number of infections registered in the United States exceeded 192 million, and more than 70,000 Americans died in Covid-19.

Democratic faction in the Federal House of Representatives Launches an investigation into the use of voted amounts in stimulus packages so far. This was announced by Steny Hoyer, leader of the Democratic Party, on Tuesday. He said the hearings would be held virtually, that is, by video conference, even if Republican lawmakers refrained from attending those hearings.

Hoyer told reporters that Donald Trump had “done everything in his power to undermine the constitutional responsibility of Congress to control the executive.” Hoyer announced “virtual hearings” after the White House reported: In May, they will only report to Congress on their work if Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, approves it in advance.
