The social proposal has passed through the EP, the government parties are swirling


The European Union must protect EU employers in its response to the crisis caused by the corona virus epidemic, and its new employment policy must pave the way to reaffirm the EU’s long-term social goals, MEPs said. in a report adopted at its plenary session in Brussels on Thursday, according to the MTI. The Hungarian ruling parties consider the proposal of the EU member states to be an irresponsible attack by the left on sovereignty.

The report on employment and social policy in the euro area 2020, approved with 466 votes in favor, 189 against and 32 abstentions, called on the European Commission to develop a political strategy for the eradication of poverty that outlines a vision for more long term for an economy of well-being and the environment. and the sustainability of the social model. Make a plan to determine exactly how much a minimum wage is needed for a decent life in each member state.

According to the guidelines outlined by Klára Dobrev, MEP of the Democratic Coalition (DK), inequalities in health must be eliminated, which is why the report calls for the creation of a European Health Union. Calls on the Member States to implement employment protection measures and promote flexible forms of work organization in order to preserve jobs. Invest in active and effective labor market policies, education, vocational training and lifelong learning to prevent long-term unemployment.

Dobrev told MTI that exploitation of workers must be avoided in all EU member states, including Hungary. According to the deputy, working poverty should be eradicated and wage earners who do decent work should not be allowed to be greedy, “because everyone deserves a fair wage.” In the context of healthcare, he said minimum standards were needed to ensure that a Hungarian could not receive worse care than a citizen of another EU country.

“To overcome the differences, it is at least as important to invest more money in education and social spending than ever,” said the DK politician.

We have also succeeded in ensuring that older people living below the poverty line receive an adequate pension in all Member States, he said.

István Ujhelyi, MEP of the MSZP MEP, a great success, a milestone, was that the proposal included in the adopted report the European Health Union and with it the call for resistance tests of health systems and minimum requirements for health care of good quality. He considered it important that the report highlighted the imbalances and unsustainability between the health systems of the Member States.

The ruling parties are not happy

In a statement sent to the MTI, the Fidesz-KDNP group in the European Parliament wrote that the fall of the Hungarian left, together with its European sister parties, had introduced long-known ideas with negative consequences in the employment report. They have declared that they firmly reject the irresponsible economic, labor and social ideas of the left, which in the past have caused serious crises in Europe.

The group was in favor of the tax cuts, job creation, stable budget and family support system, which are already operating successfully in Hungary, during the final vote on the reports, they added.

Fidesz MEP Enikő Győri recalled that the European Semester for the effective prevention and management of crises, established during the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2011, is a compass to guarantee the conditions for adequate economic performance.

The deputy described the beginning of the budget discipline proposed by the left as extremely dangerous. According to him, an “irresponsible economic policy” would reduce the room for maneuver for Member States and could have long-term negative consequences, such as rising unemployment and debt for future generations.

Fidesz MEP Ádám Kósa warned that Klára Dobrev’s proposal was a “dangerous collection of wishes” that would lead to radical tax increases, indebtedness, layoffs, and thus increased unemployment.

“Fidesz-KDNP protects the Hungarians from the road to Gyurcsány before the crisis of 2009,” said the politician.

The representative stated that the minimum wage in each country should be set in accordance with national traditions, respecting the autonomy of the social partners at the national level and well-functioning collective bargaining models.
