The Slovak secret service had previously warned Austria


Evaluation of the video footage confirmed that he was a perpetrator of the Islamist assassination in Vienna on Monday night, Austrian Interior Minister Karl Nehammer said at a press conference on Wednesday.

Nehammer, as he put it, came to this conclusion by examining over twenty thousand recordings given to the police, a Terabyteny material.

Austria’s interior minister also reported that the Slovak secret service had previously informed the Austrian Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the Fight Against Terrorism (BVT) of the 20-year-old killer’s attempts to buy ammunition.

However, Karl Nehammer also recognized that As for the next steps, something clearly derailed in the communication about it. Nehammer therefore urged the establishment of an independent inquiry commission.

Police officers in the center of Vienna on November 3, 2020, after a shooting last night near the Seitenstettengasse street synagogue.Source: MTI / AP / Ronald Zak

According to the Austrian Minister of the Interior the perpetrator, who was shot to death by the police, perfectly deceived the organization for the reintegration of criminals of Islamist origin into society.The Austrian authorities arrested 14 people in connection with the murder. The suspects of migrant origin are between 18 and 28 years old, some of whom are foreigners. According to the Austrian news agency APA

several suspects are being investigated or are being investigated for belonging to a terrorist organization.
One of them is an 18-year-old Bangladeshi man who had already been investigated for belonging to a terrorist organization at the time of the Vienna murder. Among those arrested are those who have already been convicted of this charge. One of them tried to travel to Syria in 2018 with the gunman to join the Islamic State terrorist organization, but both were caught on the Turkish border.

The Austrian news agency APA, referring to the Interior Ministry, claimed that Vienna still has a high level of security readiness.

Policemen with machine guns at the murder scene in central Vienna on November 3, 2020.Source: MTI / AP / Ronald Zak

A murderer with Albanian roots, identified by Austrian authorities as Kujtim Fejzulai on Monday evening, killed four people and wounded 23 in central Vienna.

According to the Austrian news agency APA, the terrorist was a regular visitor to Vienna’s famous mosque on Hasnerstrabe Street, which the authorities mentioned several times in connection with extremist Islamist circles.

The Muslim community in Austria (IGGÖ) distanced itself from the house of worship in question, stating to the APA,

over which, as he stressed, he has no control.

Known Islamists also appeared frequently in the mosque, including Mohamed M. and Lorenz K., who was sentenced to nine years in prison as a member of the terrorist organization Islamic State. It is still unclear if Fezulai came into contact with them. The APA news agency was informed that the search of the house revealed: It has been known for years that the murderer belongs to the group of radicals.
