The six-year-old from Szekszárd, who executed his six-year-old niece, was sentenced to twenty years in prison.


To twenty years in prison, the Szekszárd Court sentenced a 20-year-old man who had killed his six-year-old niece in Szekszárd in March last year for vile motives, with particular cruelty, to the murder of a defenseless person under the age of fourteen years. The man can be released on parole as soon as possible after serving two-thirds of the sentence.

Dániel K. With a promise, he lured the six-year-old girl to the embankment by the stream Séd and then killed him with six blows to the head. After what happened, he tried to finish off, but failed.

The boy’s death was caused by cerebral palsy, but he would have died from the previous abuse. In addition to the twenty years in prison, the court sentenced the man to ten years of disqualification from public affairs and also ordered him to pay the criminal cost. The verdict is not final because the perpetrator and his lawyer requested a lesser rating and punishment. The prosecutor had three business days to reflect on his statement.
