The six Austrian art universities speak together on SZFE


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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“We, the democratically elected representatives of the breasts of the Austrian universities of the arts, representing all cooperating citizen groups in our universities, express our solidarity with the students of the Budapest Theater and Film University (SZFE) , the Senate resigned and the rectorate4 in a communication sent to Hungarian, also translated into Hungarian.

“We vigorously protest against the autocratic measures of the Hungarian government, which lead to the abolition of the autonomy of the Hungarian universities. We are extremely concerned about the withdrawal of the powers of the democratically elected bodies of the SZFE and we emphasize that the freedom of the arts, sciences and education is indisputable and must be guaranteed at all international borders. We urge the responsible ministry to immediately and completely withdraw all measures that empty the autonomy of Hungarian universities.

MozarteumPhoto: Wikimedia

“And we hope that the governments of the European Union countries, by influencing the Hungarian government, will ensure that legitimate academic bodies regain all their powers.”

– The Senates that run the following six universities write in a joint statement:

  • Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts (Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien)
  • Vienna Academy of Fine Arts (Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien)
  • Vienna University of Applied Arts (Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien)
  • Graz University of Music and Performing Arts (Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz)
  • Linzi Művészeti Egyetem (Linz University of Art and Industrial Design)
  • Mozarteum University of Salzburg (Universität Mozarteum Salzburg)

As you can see from our article constantly following the SZFE stands: there is a young designer who offered 10 percent of his income to students, the gypsy municipality of Ajka cut the grass that frees SZFE, but bands, shops, pubs , civilians, thousands of protesters, Hungarians. and a multitude of foreign companies, with hundreds of theater and film professionals and other art professionals, Hollywood stars and living classics of European art, and a host of university professors and students from all kinds of institutions. But the democratically elected Senates that govern the universities did not stand up, or, to my knowledge, only two: CEU and John Wesley Pastoral College.

The senate of the universities of the arts did not speak either after removing all important powers from the SZFE senate.

Some members of the Senate of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts issued a statement of solidarity, 14 of the 39 members (7 of them are students).

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