The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs tried to defend the horrible price of respirators by talking about everything, but somehow not exactly prices.


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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It cannot be said that Tamás Menczer did not prepare for Friday’s Hír TV interview in his own way. The State Department’s Secretary of State for Information said exactly the same thing he did on public television the day before. The issues were also the same as foreign affairs drew attention at the end of the summer: Szijjártó’s vacation on suspicion of corruption, expensive and poisonous ventilators, and a ban on working at home at the State Department. But there are signs that public television, which has been supported by taxpayer money, has become much more useful than Hír TV.

We wrote yesterday about how Menczer came to protect his minister, but it is really worth taking a closer look at the output of the Secretary of State for Information and the International Presentation of Hungary.

On Thursday, a public television reporter would normally ask (“Is it still considered a private matter with whom and / or where a member of the government spends his vacation?”), Without mentioning neither he nor any public television program so far the fact that Péter Szijjártó was photographed by Transparent on the yacht of László Kérjj, who had a multi-million dollar deal with the state. And then Menczer was able to speak as if it were just a vacation with no one to do with, private matters, let’s move on.

On the Hír TV program, Andrea Földi-Kovács dissected the same topic with real journalistic questions.

“What caused the biggest storm in late summer was that Chancellor Péter Szijjártó was photographed by a Átlá staff member from a speedboat in the Adriatic, on a yacht used by László Szjj. How do you explain this path? “

Here, Menczer said the exact same thing that could have been skipped on public television, that is, Szijjártó follows all the rules and it is a private matter, but Földi-Kovács asked him:

“It is clear, but the Minister of Foreign Affairs is a public task. Don’t you care at all about vacationing with your family and friends on a yacht owned by a pro-government businessman? “

Instead of answering, the secretary of state approached the issue from elsewhere, saying what was on public television that Szijjártó was being attacked on his family vacation because “they could not capture anything at work.”

But Földi-Kovács also insisted on the issue, noting that the international press, recently Deutsche Welle, wrote on the matter, with the comment that the Hungarian political elite, including members of the government, live a luxurious life. Then he asked the question:

“Did the Secretary of State pay for the trip?

The Foreign Minister did not share with me those details about his vacation. He said, of course, that there was no form of public money involved in this trip. And coming back to the Germans, let me say that they were always strong in propaganda. “

After that, they moved on to why Foreign Relations doesn’t allow working at home during an epidemic, when big business can fix it, and then they moved on to substantive Foreign Relations activities, which Menczer said early on that Szijjártó couldn’t get caught up in. his work.

On public television, the question about this sounded the day before:

“One portal writes that of all the EU member states, Hungary spent the most on buying fans, even if they bought less in quantity, quantity or kilograms. How does the math turn out? “

This was Article 36 of the Direkt, published in 444. The article, “The government bragged about buying fans, but made the worst deal with China in the entire EU”, according to Eurostat, found that other European countries had purchased equipment at a much better price than our chinese friends.

Menczer said on public television that respirators cannot be measured in pounds, it is not a bag of potatoes. But he went to great lengths to avoid price comparisons, and the public television reporter didn’t even bother to do so.

On Hír TV, Földi-Kovács opened the topic by asking to what extent it serves Hungary’s interests that we have acquired almost the most expensive fans in Europe. Here’s the Secretary of State’s first two-minute explanation, in which Menczer rates the accusation that the Hungarian government purchased too many too expensive fans, but doesn’t say a single number on the price:

In another march, Földi-Kovács specifically asks how much was spent on fans. But will the Secretary of State betray him?

Meanwhile, he cites another article of ours that we too were forced to acknowledge how good respirators the government has taken. In the article, we really looked at which of the many indisputable types you bought may be suitable for intensive care, and which are not, far from all. In addition, in several cases it is not possible to know what type we buy how much.

It may have escaped Menczer’s attention, but the article also deals with the fact that the ministry ordered too much even though it quickly committed as much as the experts would have needed in the worst case. (Quick math: There were 2,000 ventilators in the home before the epidemic. Experts say the worst case would have required 8,000. The difference is 6,000. The state hospital provider bought 2,500. So 3,500 more would have been needed. instead of 16,000, “for safety”).

Then, for the third time, a specific number will be spoken:

In the article mentioned by Menczer, we also wrote that foreign affairs have purchased respirators at very high average prices. For example, while the average price of assets in the Hungarian state hospital provider was below 11 million, in the foreign relations it was almost double during the same period.

The Foreign Minister bought the 16,000 fans for 300,000 million HUF. If we had managed to do business with the hospital supplier’s prices, we would have paid 128 billion guilders less.

The incessant number of fans accumulated in the country is well illustrated in the graph presented by Hír TV during the program.

I mean, no one exaggerated so much.

Probably not because they didn’t have the money for it, or because they haven’t been on a respirator since. However, there would not be enough specialists to operate the more than 20,000 ventilators in Hungary.

In Hungary, in the first wave, most of them were 80 at a time. And when the most active infected were on May 4 (2055), 55 needed external ventilation. It is difficult to imagine such a catastrophe that in the second wave, not 80, but 20,000 will breathe.

Menczer’s argument that respirators can’t be compared in pounds sounds good. But this is what the international trade data says. Of course, it may be that the Germans bought junk bagging machines, because for them it is good too, while we have super technology, understandably cheaper. But let’s take an example. The Slovenian government bought the same type from the same manufacturer at an average price of HUF 12.7 million, the Hungarian for HUF 17 million. Corruption is investigated there because 12.7 million have also been embezzled. We are not being investigated by the police.

According to the Direkt article, at the peak of the coronavirus, in April this year, for example, Italy paid unit prices ten times higher than Italy and Germany unit prices fifty times higher for China’s fans.

Földi-Kovács also asked about this. And Menczer finally said a number. Namely, the fact that Lajos Korózs spoke for the last time for 7 minutes about the fans, and fell with a camouflage video the last time, and the MSZP politicians have already expired.

The full conversation can be viewed here:

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