The second debate of the presidential candidate in the United States has been canceled


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“Now it appears that there will be no debate on October 15, so the committee will focus its attention on the debate of the presidential candidate on October 22,” organizers said.

The second presidential debate would have taken place in Miami, Florida, but due to the coronavirus epidemic and the Donald Trump virus infection, the organizers wanted a virtual debate, that is, online. Joe Biden agreed, but Donald Trump did not. The president put it this way: “he does not waste time” in virtual debates because he says “they are not debates.”

Trump spoke about his illness on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show right. He explained that without the experimental drugs, it could have gotten even more serious. “I asked the doctors today and they said I could have been very sick, I was just heading there,” said Trump, who has an average of 10 to 15 million students.

“He was not in the best shape,” the president said of the days after his infection. Trump spoke in more detail about his illness for the first time, trying to convey more positive messages thus far, repeatedly emphasizing that it was “great.” A team of doctors treating him at Walter Reed Military Hospital and White House physician Sean Conley also described a favorable picture of his condition, though Conley said three days after the hospitalization that the president also needed oxygen from outside. for a short time.

The president of the United States was taken to the hospital on October 2 after he was diagnosed with a coronavirus infection the day before. He returned to the White House four days later, where he first worked not in the Oval Office but in a separate room. At the hospital, he received a cocktail of antibodies, antiviral Remdesivir, steroids, and other preparations. Even in a statement issued Thursday night, a White House doctor described the president’s health condition as satisfactory and let him know that he could even attend election events.

Trump explained on the radio show that the experimental antibody treatment, which has received fewer than ten Americans, has been extremely effective and is trying to recommend the drug to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to allow its wider use with urgency asap. The drug is manufactured by two American companies. In an interview with Fox Television on Friday night, Trump said he had undergone another virus test. However, he did not report the result. He also said that his treatment with the antiviral Remdesivir had ended. “I feel very strong,” he said.
