The salary subsidy for a coffee arrived: 10,000 HUF per month per person


After 3.5 months, the state wage subsidy reaches 10,000 florins per month at the Jedermann café on Ráday Street, Telex writes after the Facebook post of the place.

In the cafe there are 13 people working, and all are reported, although it is a fact that is not very high in the sector, since on average half of the salaries come from tips, said Gábor Boskovics, the store’s manager.

In November, immediately after the government’s announcement, Jedermann applied for a wage subsidy that covers 50 percent of the gross wage up to 150 percent of the minimum wage. After the delivery of the papers, nothing happened for a long time, the next time it appeared in mid-January it was asking the state agency for data supplements. They collected the requested documents, by this time, according to Boskovics, they had visited about 200 newspapers.

Then, towards the end of January, it became more widely known that the payment of wage subsidies was delayed throughout the country, and virtually no one has yet received the amount owed to them.

Jedermann received a document last week saying they were awarded the grant and the money arrived on Wednesday.

They received a total of 2.1 million HUF over four months, but some of the contributions came from him, because not all contributions to be paid to employees were waived. In a normal month, the cafe pays about 800 thousand florins for employee contributions, now in the discount period it is only about 400 thousand florins.

After deducting this, there are 500,000 HUF left, which is just over 10,000 net HUF per capita per month.
