The Sputnik V vaccine is expected to provide protection against Covid-19 for more than two years, he said at a news conference in Moscow on Tuesday. Alexander Gincburg, director of the Gamaleja Institute for Vaccine Development.
We have the very high hope, confirmed by experimental facts, that the effectiveness of the vaccine preparation will not last a few months, not a year, but at least two years or even more, which, of course, will be the issue. of new research.
Said the academic, MTI reported. Gincburg stated that in the third phase of clinical trials, the nearly 30,000 volunteers showed no serious complications other than the side effects experienced in the first and second phases. This proved that the first Russian vaccine against Covid-19 was completely safe.
He stressed that the vaccine has been shown to have practically the same epidemiological efficacy in all population groups. In the elderly, side effects are less common than in others.
Before the press conference, The Lancet, a London scientific journal, rated Sputnik V as safe and found the vaccine’s effectiveness to be 91.6% and 91.8% among volunteers over 60 years of age, according to the results of the third phase of the tests. . Immunity from vaccination is 1.3-1.5 times higher than from disease.
Kirill Dmitrijev, the executive director of the Russian Fund for Direct Investment (RFPI), which finances the development of Russian vaccines, told Russian state television RT that Russia could ensure that around 700 million people get vaccinated with Sputnik V this year. As you said, the quantity is limited by the production capacity. He added that the RFPI is considering the possibility of manufacturing the vaccine in Belarus, Iran and Turkey.
Konstantin Chernov, The director of the Chumakov Center, which is developing the third Russian vaccine, CoviVac, told Doctor TV that the official registration of this vaccine by the Russian Ministry of Health is expected on April 16, but that the first hundred thousand doses could be delivered to the public in March. According to Chernov, CoviVac can only be produced in the Chumakov Center’s own capacity, which will allow the release of 10 million doses per year.
According to an earlier announcement, mass production of the second vaccine, EpiVacCorona, will begin in late February.