The rules for wearing a mask would be tightened throughout Budapest and they could be fined up to 15,000 HUF.


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During the week, BKK took stricter measures regarding the use of masks on its flights. A passenger who does not wear a mask or a scarf that covers his nose and mouth while traveling can be fined HUF 8,000, the amount of the surcharge, can also be removed from the vehicle by inspectors. In addition to this measure, the mayor called to the Metropolitan Assembly on Monday.

Agenda items include the mandatory use of a mask to cover the nose and mouth in cinemas and theaters, as well as in the enclosed spaces of similar institutions, as well as in markets, stores, and condominium assemblies.

According to the proposal, if someone in these institutions or places does not wear a mask properly or at all, then you can be fined up to 15 thousand florins. The owner can receive an administrative fine of up to 50,000 HUF. The administrative fine can be imposed by the Chief Notary of Budapest on the basis of notification and inspection, and employees of the Public Area Inspectorate can impose the fine on the spot. If the General Assembly approves the Mayor’s proposals, then fine rules could go into effect next Friday. The penalty with the amount of the surcharge is already in force on BKK flights. The Metropolitan Municipality draws attention to the fact that the improper use of masks, that is, leaving the nose free, is also a violation of the rules.

Cover Image: Akos Stiller / Bloomberg via Getty Images
