The RTL Club waited for the scandalous show to end, only then did it begin to explain


As Origo has repeatedly reported in the wake of Ripost, one of the “reality shows” on the RTL Club, in its terminology, revealed that one of the “stars” had previously written that he wanted to kill gypsies with a machine gun. The RTL Club flattened out for the duration of the show, and as soon as it ended, it immediately began to explain.

As we wrote earlier, in 2012, RTL Club Heroine posted this on their Facebook page. “It is so full of t … gypsies today that if I could, I would walk along the gypsy line with UZI. Soon the time will come to walk through UZI even if I can’t! I don’t care about the consequences. It can’t be anymore “, wrote.

The RTL Club, on the other hand, didn’t bother about it, they didn’t bother their “star” of what they called a reality show.

The RTL Club of Hungary is owned by the Luxembourg-based RTL Group. The international news agency V4NA contacted the company to ask if they thought it would be appropriate to turn an anti-Gypsy actor into a star. However, so far no response has been received. They also contacted the President of the European Parliament (EP), David Sassoli, and Vera Jourova, one of the Vice-Presidents of the European Commission.

There was no response from the latter, this is particularly strange after the Soros report, which slandered Hungary on his behalf, but a spokesperson for the EP sent the following response to the V4NA request. “We cannot comment on a particular television show,” they wrote.

Just as the left launched an anti-Semitic candidate in the parliamentary elections in Borsod in the fall (and was later removed anyway), the RTL Club was not bothered by having an extremely racist and hateful woman. Then when the show ended, and they thought the scandal would not cause them any financial harm, they began to explain. With exactly the same tactics that the left excused its own anti-Semitic candidate.

The form of the explanation was that the media blog in the interest of Zoltán Varga, owner of the left-wing propaganda site, quickly asked RTL Klub, and the miracle of miracles, RTL Klub, also responded.


“RTL Hungary rejects all forms of exclusion, we try to present the diversity of the world with our programs, we constantly support the importance of tolerance and openness among us. (…) The editors of the program had no prior knowledge of the case in 2012. Selection for the Vincze Betti program did not give the slightest sign that he would deny or even question these values, which are important to us. “

The RTL Club star apologized, which is included in the aforementioned Facebook post.

I mean, he apologized, so he hadn’t hated him before, he didn’t want to kill gypsies with a submachine gun. So you can show off in the evenings. As the leftist anti-Semitic candidate in Borsod apologized. So that you can run as a candidate.

Of course, the RTL Klub, worthy of an entertainment channel, goes beyond in the fun: it is also written that it did not question all the values ​​of the RTL Klub in rehearsals. That is, for this reason its inclusion is considered justified. After all, as they suggest, he was never a gypsy in rehearsals, and when asked what he wanted the most, he did not say to kill gypsies with a machine gun.
