The restrictions are being further relaxed in Germany


Further relaxation of Germany’s restrictions on the coronavirus epidemic was agreed at a meeting of heads of federal and provincial governments on Thursday.

Religious institutions can once again welcome believers, open museums and other exhibition spaces, open playgrounds, zoos, and botanical gardens. Detailed rules are decided by provincial governments.

The relaxations are very moderate and do not pose a risk of exacerbation of the epidemic, in accordance with the rules of hygiene of infections, in particular the use of masks and social distancing, he said after the consultation. Peter Tschentscher Mayor of Hamburg.

We have to wait for the data to show the impact of the relaxations so far, so it will only be decided at the next meeting on May 6 on more important topics, the operation of kindergartens, schools and sports associations.

He said Angela Merkel Chancellor.

He stressed that there may be differences between the provinces, but the strategy is uniform and the objective is common. Possible pathways for the spread of the virus to be revealed and closed again for each infection, as at the beginning of the epidemic. Therefore, local health authorities involved in tracking infected people should be further strengthened and every effort should be made to prevent another explosive and exponential increase in the number of infected people.

He explained that Thursday’s agreement is only an “intermediate step” to coexist with the new type of coronavirus in the absence of long-term vaccination in the configuration of Germany’s new daily routine. A “bigger package” will already be discussed at the May 6 meeting, and the resumption of hospitality and tourism will be discussed at a later meeting, the date of which has not yet been set.

Graduation and caution are very important because current data on the spread of the virus always only reflects the situation approximately two weeks earlier, and the relaxation of restrictions is accompanied by an intensification of human contacts, posing a risk of infection. . Therefore, before each new step, the effect of the previous step should be examined.

Caution should also be used as researchers are only now beginning to explore the properties of the virus further. A new recognition, for example, is that children who carry the virus can be infected in the same way as adults, the chancellor referred to research by the Institute of Virology at the Charité University Clinic in Berlin.

According to an investigation of nearly 4,000 infected people, there is no significant difference between age groups in the amount of virus that accumulates in the throat, which politicians should consider when deciding to open daycares, kindergartens, and schools.

According to the research, the decisions of May 6 should consider that, although young children do not usually develop respiratory and respiratory diseases (Covid-19) that can be caused by the new type of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), by Therefore, they cough and, due to their height and lung performance, they release fewer pathogens into the environment than an adult, but they can hardly follow the rule of social distance, so they can easily and inadvertently catch and transmit the virus .

According to the Robert Koch Institute of Public Health (RKI) on Thursday, the epidemic situation in Germany is improving for the moment, the virus is increasingly repressing itself, its so-called reproduction rate (R0) is 0.75, which It means that every 100 infected people only give an average of 75 more.

As of Thursday, the SARS-CoV-2 virus had been detected in 159,119 people across the country on Tuesday, representing 1,478 more cases than the day before.

The number of infected people who have been cured, that is, those who have already been infected, has increased by 3,100 to 123,500.

There were 6,288 confirmed infected people who died of Covid-19 disease, 173 more than a day earlier.

Featured Image: Ina FASSBENDER / AFP
