The Puskás Arena became the favorite venue for NER events


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The NER’s favorite venue was the Puskás Arena, fifty games have been held here in the last year, according to documents from the National Sports Centers (NSK) that operate the stadium, which were obtained by Magyar Hang.

In most cases, they did not even hold sporting events in the arena, but rather corporate rounds and conferences in the VIP rooms.

He held a NER circles event here:

  • ZÁÉV Zrt., Which also participates in the interests of Lőrinc Mészáros and in the construction of the stadium, for 3.6 million HUF,
  • the Prime Minister’s Office for 1.1 million HUF,
  • the Government Priority Investment Center with 200 guests for a year of 1.5 million HUF and a sporting event for 3 million HUF,
  • the opening and end of the year banquet for Moonlight Event, a Gyula Balásy company near NER, for a total of HUF 25 million.

He also held events in the arena: the Hungarian Football Association, the Antenna Hungária, the Hungarian Wrestling Association, the Széll Kálmán Foundation, the Hungarian Sports Association.

A total of 184 million income came from the National Sports Centers that operate the Puskás Arena for these events.

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