The prices of two products were specified by Aldi and Lidl | G7


On the last day of every month since January, we look at the prices of the same 42 foods at Aldi and Lidl and put together a large purchase from our own consumer basket.

With this longer-term subjective experiment, on the one hand, we try to track food inflation (or even deflation) measured in the two discount chains, and on the other hand, we are curious about the difference between the prices of the two shops. (List of products and quantities for this star*Potatoes 3 kg
Sugar 0.5 kg
Flour 1 kg
Oil 1 l
Butter 0.25 kg
Semi-brown bread 3 kg
Bun 0.5 kg
Croissant 0.5 kg
ESL potential 1.5% 1 l
ESL potential 2.8% 1 l
Sour cream 20% 0.5 l
Natural yogurt 0.5 l
Kefir 0.5 l
Tomatoes 1 kg
Paprika TV 0.5 kg
Carrots 0.5 kg
Turnips 0.2 kg
Alma 1 kg
Banana 0.5 kg
Ground coffee, 100% Arabica 0.25 kg
Chicken breast 1 kg
Turkey breast 1 kg
Minced pork, 20% fat content 0.5 kg
Pork in Paris 0.2 kg
Toilet paper, two ply, 2 rolls
Coca Cola 1 l
Zabital 1 l
Rice 0.5 kg
Spaghetti pasta 0.25 kg
Eggs 10 pieces
Onions 0.25 kg
Snake cucumber 1 piece
Carbonated mineral water 3 l
Only 0.05 kg
Lumpy cottage cheese 0.2 kg
Gouda sajt 0.2 kg
Pork loin 1 kg
Trappist cheese 0.2 kg
Cacao / Cinnamon Snail 0.2 kg
Uht of this 1,5% 1 l
Uht of this 2.8% 1 l
it can be expanded by clicking, and the methodology was described in detail in the first part of our series).

However, you are slowly wondering if there is any substantial difference between the prices of the two discount stores. At the end of January (emphasizing that according to the G7’s own unofficial and non-statistically authorized shopping cart), Lidl was 0.72% cheaper than Aldin, with the largest difference being measured at the end of June, when Lidl had a 8.2% price advantage. .

However, according to our basket, Aldi closes or minimizes the difference, so it was already in February, and the trend is now similar. From 8 percent in June, Aldi improved to 5 percent at the end of July and narrowed the gap to 4 percent at the end of August. In absolute terms, these amounts are no longer large, compared to the total value of the basket of around 16,000 HUF, currently it is 650 HUF.

As for prices, nothing seemed to have happened in the two August discounts, with Lidl rising 0.29% in July and Aldi rising 0.77%, both of which are insignificant change.

In the two stores, almost half of the 42 products are available at the same price per HUF every month, and if we ignore the differences of one or two percent, half of our basket will definitely cost the same in the two places.

However, the interesting thing is that the range of products with exactly the same price is constantly changing. That is, within the 42 products, we found about 20 each month, whose price was the same in Aldi and Lidl, but there are only two, for which it was necessary to pay the same amount in both stores in the eight months:

  • the kilogram of white flour BL 55 has been 109 HUF in both stores since January
  • and a kilo of gouda cheese always costs 1998 florins.

Bananas and pork from Paris were almost on that list, but since January, both products have had a month where the price was not the same at the two discount stores.

However, there is no product that we examined whose price has changed since January, but it has always been the same in the two stores (that is, it has become more expensive or cheaper at the same time).

All of this supports that

Discount stores regularly move prices back and forth, but are constantly trying to respond to the actions of others.

These moves have resulted in an overall 3-6 percent price drop in our basket so far this year, but as we wrote about it in the June assessment, this is likely due to the low price of seasonal vegetables. Of summer. According to the figures, this trend persisted even in August.

Related articleRelated articleIn half a year, our purchases at Lidl and Aldi have become cheaperThe prices of the two discount chains for basic foods show such minimal differences that sometimes we had the feeling that they were not even two companies, but one.

Data Company Aldi price purchases discount food consumer basket Lidl Read more in the category
