The previous Fidesz unit on the banks of the Danube dreamed of a luxury house, it became a great loss.


The current left-wing leadership of Mohács makes a report after it turned out that the city incurred a loss of almost one hundred million florins due to the fact that the local government urban management company had built a luxury apartment building in the Danube bank under the former mayor of Fidesz. – writes in his article the Word of the People.

The political conditions in Mohács are quite special: although MSZP’s Ferenc Csorbai became mayor in the fall, the majority of the board is Fidesz. Provisional elections will also be held on September 27, as the majority dissolved the board in the spring.

Csorbai, who is being relaunched for the position, wanted to shed light on the city management company, but this ran into obstacles. The chairman of the company’s supervisory board, who is also the leader of the local Fidesz faction, Gábor Pávkovics because according to the administration of the city of Mohács, “every stone was moved” so that the inspection would not be carried out. What is clear now, however, is that not only did the investment not generate a profit, but Mohács taxpayers still have to pay hefty tens of millions for luxury apartments that have already been privately owned. Furthermore, the newspaper writes, there are indications that the municipality previously paid tens of millions of florins to the managers of the city management company, Mohácsi Városgazdálkodási és Révhajózási Nonprofit Kft. (MVR), which was involved in the construction of the Panoráma condominium.

The company did not respond to Népszava’s questions.
