The police made 142 reports during and after the György Gődény demonstration


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At the call of György Gődény, more than a thousand people went to Heroes’ Square in the morning to protest the restrictions related to the epidemic. The event also had the defining influences of the denial of the epidemic: dr. A multivitamin distributor in Lenkei and dr. Alfréd Pócs, also an orthopedic surgeon.

In the evening, the police reported on their website that a small group had marched from the completed meeting to Vajdahunyad Castle and started a new meeting there, where the police returned to act. Police at the two sites reported a total of 142 rapes and fined 4 people at the site.

“The police initiate administrative proceedings against a person in connection with the organization and holding of a meeting in connection with the meeting held in Heroes Square, and in connection with holding a meeting in connection with the meeting held in the castle of Vajdahunyad, “write the police. .hu.

Two people were produced, one for the crime of refusing to prove their identity and the other for evading the crime that was ordered. (

