The police have found that it is not even a crime to interrupt an opposition event from a boat with a registered registration number.


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

I’m interested

One of the highlights of the municipal campaign last fall was when Gergely Karácsony’s presentation of the show was interrupted by a hooded figure playing loud circus music from a boat with a registered registration number.

Last December, news broke that the police had launched an investigation into the case because the concealment of the registration number raised suspicions of misuse of the unique identification mark, which could be punishable by up to three years in prison.

That boat was small

An article in Népszava now revealed that hoodies have nothing to worry about, the police have closed the procedure.

No crime has been committed, but it cannot be a crime,

including the BRFK sheet.

The BRFK argued that boats under 20 meters are not subject to as strict rules as motorists, where obscuring the license plate is in fact a crime. And this ship measured 5.2 meters. However, according to Népszava, this argument falters strongly: the government decree on boats under 20 meters also makes it clear that vehicles must carry the identifier legibly and indelibly. In other cases, the police are not at all lenient towards small boat owners: they cite a case from Zsaru magazine, for example when proceedings were started on Lake Tisza because someone did not have a boat certificate with a registration number .

Never mind

According to the newspaper, the author of the action is Á. It was Zoltán, who was also the owner of the speedboat, and it was the 21st run by Fidesz. district company, Csepeli Városgazda Zrt. When asked to ask about the matter, he said:

“I don’t know what you’re talking about! There is no action against me!”

– and hung up. (Népszava)

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