The police are pursuing a man who wanted to rape a woman at the HÉV in Gödöllő and then beat him.


Last Tuesday around 5:15 a.m. on the section of the Gödöllő HÉV line between Szilasliget and Gödöllő, Erzsébet Park, an unknown man sat opposite a 47-year-old woman who was traveling in the third car of the train.

She didn’t do that, the man wanted and got her phone and her wallet, but it wasn’t enough for her either. He kicked her several times while bending over:

“Take off your pants or I’ll kill you!”

The victim tried to defend himself by yelling for help, but no one was in the car except them. Approaching the Gödöllő park stop, Erzsébet, the victim said that her husband was waiting there, the assailant backed away, and then jumped off the stopping train. The victim suffered a serious injury: his nasal bone was broken.

Police launched a search for units against the attacker. According to the description, he was 20-25 years old, 160-165 cm tall, slim body, dark brown eyes, wearing a black knit cap, latte-colored fabric jacket, field print training pants and black shoes at the time of the offense. He had a mask covering his nose and mouth on his face, which he took off for a moment.

A ghost image of the attackerPhoto:

Attempts of sexual violence, serious bodily injury and looting are taking place. (

