The perpetrator of the Nashville explosion has been identified


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Photo: Terry Wyatt / AFP

Authorities have identified the perpetrator of the Nashville Christmas blast. It was a local resident who blew up a caravan and died himself in the blast, writes MTI.

District Attorney Donald Cochran, who is leading the investigation, said Anthony Quinn Warner, 63, was the perpetrator. According to the FBI, there is no indication that anyone other than Warner was involved in the explosion.

Tennessee authorities have yet to clarify Warner’s motives and have not indicated whether the case qualifies as domestic terrorism. According to press reports, Warner also dealt with electronic devices and alarm systems, as well as information technology.

An RV exploded in downtown Nashville at Christmas, Friday morning. A sound recording was played from the car before the detonation, warning of a bomb. Therefore, the police quickly began to evacuate the area and called the fire department. However, the RV exploded before firefighters arrived. Three people were injured in the blast and the windows of dozens of houses in the area were smashed.

The explosion damaged the telephone exchange of the American telecommunications company AT&T, causing interruptions in mobile and fixed telephony services in Tennessee, Kentucky and Alabama. Authorities suspect the call center may have been the target, the mayor also alluded to. (MTI, tutor)

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