The Palkovics rewrote the OTKA professional jury endorsement list


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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“Given that I do not consider the change of jury orders approved by the college without justification and coordination with the method of scientific evaluation that I represent compatible, I will resign from my presidency on September 1, 2020, after seven years,” wrote László Acsémy in a circular to his colleagues. President of the Faculty of Medical and Biological Sciences of OTKA.

The list of research deemed worthy of support has been compiled by OTKA’s professional juries in recent decades, but this year the list was rewritten by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) led by László Palkovics.

According to, there was no such thing during OTKA’s 35 years of operation, that is, even in the Kádár system.

Acsády faced the ITM making the list over the weekend, so he resigned.

According to article 24hu, the arbitrary change of the list of decisions caused a commotion in the Faculty of Medical and Biological Sciences, especially since the differences with the order accepted by the profession are significant. With the ministry’s decision, the winners also included an “applicant down the line” who finished last in the given jury ranking.

“ITM has crossed a hitherto unshakeable scientific ethic, violating the principle that research grants can only be won on a strictly professional basis, in fair competition,” András Váradi, PhD, member of the molecular and structural biology jury, told the newspaper. and biochemistry. “As jurors, we all did very serious work that took many, many hours. That is why we received an honor from the office. I don’t want to be rewarded for an activity that ends in an unethical solution, “said Váradi, adding that he would also transfer his fees to an NGO if the ministry does not clarify what happened. The professional jury, by the way, asked the ministry in a letter to initiate an internal investigation, something that asked the beneficiary applicants “undeservedly” not to sign a grant agreement with the agency because they also have an interest in keeping the system clean. (

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