The Palkovics entered nine scientific applications


It was not accepted by the critics Tamás Freund invitation to lunch at the headquarters of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences László Palkovics. The Minister of Innovation responded in a letter to the president of the Academy why the proposal of the professional jury for certain research applications had changed in an unprecedented way. The letter was described by

Tamás Freund had previously complained that Palkovics’ Ministry had rewritten the professional jury’s proposal on research applications worthy of support. As first reported in our document, a proposal ranked last by the board was supported by a ministerial decision, which is why the president of the Faculty of Medical and Biological Sciences of the National Fund for Scientific Research (OTKA) resigned. .

Hu later reported on the 24th that the decision may have been made in the interest of supporters of Orbán’s science policy.

In his letter, the president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences called the Palkovics procedure unprecedented, which overwritten the professional work of Hungarian and foreign researchers in one fell swoop.

Regarding the modification of the law requested by Tamás Freund (so that the rankings established in the scientific tender system cannot be modified), Palkovics replied: in 2014 József Pálinkás At the suggestion of the former president of the Academy, the then OTKA office became part of the National Office for Research, Development and Innovation. “This change already brought with it the possibility that the current NKFIH president could override the decisions of the OTKA schools,” he added, noting that he wanted to maintain this possibility. In his view, for the past thirty years, the decision-making leadership has not had a substantial means in their hands to bring bedroom proposals under objective control.

The newly appointed president of NKFIH, Zoltán Birkner Previously, he affirmed that a system of scientific metrics had been introduced in the evaluation, so that in several cases the order approved by the jury had actually been changed. Thanks to one of these changes, he became one of the beneficiaries Péter Závodszky also a retired university professor, although his application was ranked last by the jury. Závodszky was introduced in February Viktor Orban members of the recently established National Council for Scientific Policy. Last year, an academic with serious scientific work in the field of biophysics also publicly opposed the MTA leadership, which tried to prevent the takeover of the academic research network.

The Minister now writes about the decisions objected to by the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences that the OTKA decision proposals were changed if

neither objective indicators, scientific metrics, nor professional assessments together are convincing enough.

Palkovics added that he had reviewed the proposed decision only nine times out of more than 320 cases and, according to him, a researcher with better scientific indicators was always included among the beneficiaries.

At the end of his letter, Tamás Freund suggested that he would like to invite the Minister to lunch at MTA headquarters to clarify the details.

Featured image: Bielik István /
