The ousted mayor was re-elected in Balatonfűzfő, six votes cast in Balatonszepezd


In Balatonfűzfő, he returned to be mayor without problems, with more than 60 percent of the votes. Szanyi Szilvia. Sunday’s by-elections were held in Fűzfő because the House of Representatives was dissolved. We write about the reasons for this in our report on Balatonfűzfő:

You can’t rule a city at war

Last fall, new leaders were elected in various settlements on the shores of Lake Balaton, but the representative bodies have since dissolved. On Sunday, interim elections will also be held in Balatonfűzfő, where the board members have been cutting the tree one under the other for a long time. Years of irreconcilable tensions between the current and the former mayor have made it impossible for the municipality to function. Report.

Starting as a freelancer in Szigliget Daniel balassa he won by more than 64 percent of the vote. Fidesz-Kdnp congratulated the son of the resigned former mayor.

At Balatonszepezd, however, there was a great battle, and here too an interim election was held because the representative body was dissolved. Former deputy mayor Judge Imre Replaced by 119 votes Dr. Bocskov Petrov Jordanwhich received 113 votes.

featured image: Balázs Ivándi-Szabó
