The opening of Princess Diana was almost a blow against the British monarchy


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We are in 2020 and a part of the world is still obsessed with Princess Diana, one of the best known figures in the history of modern monarchies, everywhere even more than twenty years after her death. In the recent fourth season of The Crown, she is practically the protagonist, as a new film is announced about the tortuous relationship between Diana and Prince Charles with Spencer and Kristen Stewart, and an equally famous and infamous interview by the BBC from 25 years ago. the suspicion was that Diana was sitting in front of the camera under the influence of highly unethical journalistic methods. Oh, and putting it all together, the Rowing Blazers quickly released a pair of sweaters the princess wore in the eighties. Among them is the black lamb sweater, which can be said to be iconic in many ways.

The Crown’s fourth season shows a bit superficially, but quite understandably, what might have been the problem with the relationship between Prince Charles and Diana, even if some of it was just guesswork. But it was less explained why he became so popular that almost a quarter of a century after his death, everyone thinks of the same person when they hear Diana’s name, that Instagram is full of pages about him or his style, and underneath them. images there is a fan. and pitiful people, and comments like during their wedding photos, which is an infinitely sad image because Diana has entered a dark phase of her life that day.

There was nothing special about the British media dealing with the women who appeared around Prince Charles, as he was the heir to the throne, and it was obviously interesting that he finally got engaged to one of them. After a while, Diana became more interesting than Charles or the queen herself, not to mention Princess Margaret, who could often be called the heroine of the scandal decades before, because most had already forgotten her by that time. And Diana’s popularity grew and peaked shortly before her death, first due to a BBC interview in 1995 and then due to her divorce from Charles in 1996.


Even so far on the Netflix series, it’s been surprising that when looking at the characters, it’s hard to decide whether we should feel sorry or just hate them, and thankfully that hasn’t changed for Diana, who has appeared in both fans and family. real. You may feel sorry for being trapped in a dysfunctional marriage and with it a family that seems fragile and exclusionary while the media has taken care of his every move, and you may see him as a bit neurotic and narcissistic, someone who could carefully ruin the next step. . built the British monarchy.

Princess Diana in 1996Photo: GERRY PENNY / AFP

II. The wedding of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip in 1947 was of interest to the masses in the UK, while the wedding of Charles and Diana in 1981 was already televised, with almost 750 million people around the world watching her become princess from a young kindergarten teacher. And with that, we got there why it was so easy to be a fan of him. Because no matter how influential and from a noble family he lived in an apartment in London with his girlfriends, he had an ordinary job, which made mortals more easily identified with him, feeling closer to him than any member of the royal family. Especially when it turned out that her marriage to Charles didn’t work out, that they both had a lover, and that Diana was bulimic for years, which she told Martin Bashir in a BBC interview that it was just a symptom of what happened in their marriage.

“I didn’t like it and I was ashamed of myself for not being able to take the pressure.”

In the royal family, it was previously inconceivable that someone would communicate so openly about their private lives, even if things were revealed about family members, they were usually published as rumors in the newspapers and the palace refuted them or simply did not comment on them. Diana’s interview was therefore a bit like a coup against an entire British monarchy that had functioned well until then.

Throughout the new season of the Netflix series, they emphasize that Charles, in addition to loving his then-future wife, Camilla Parker Bowles, had the biggest problem with his public appearances, charity events, and every time he had to be a princess. . Not him, but Diana, who could communicate with the crowd like Charles never did. For example, without thinking, and without gloves, he shook the hand of an AIDS patient in 1987. Among other things, due to such movements, he received the Village princess adjective, which in Hungarian is very romantic Queen of Heartsas it rose to the public consciousness.


The royal family first experienced in 1982 that they would have to do a little more difficult things with Diana. The princely couple went on vacation to the Bahamas and photographers took pictures of the bikini princess who had just become pregnant with Prince William. According to the BBC, Queen Elizabeth called it the darkest day in the history of British journalism when the photos were published in newspapers. Why, Tina Brown explained it well in her book The Diana Chronicles, which Vox cited.

“In those days before Demi Moore, the image of a beautiful pregnant woman and the sight of her bare belly were rimmed with pornography, as it was a clear indication of her sexuality.”

The public, on the other hand, only saw there a woman, pregnant and in a bikini, behaving like any other ordinary woman would behave pregnant in a bikini on the beach. The queen’s problem may have been that with the photos, Diana had lost the image of a virgin that the family and the media had painted on her until then. Although no law in the UK requires that the future wife of the king be a virgin, the law only states that the heir must ask permission from the current ruler before marrying, it was still a common theme before the wedding of Charles and Diana with the then 19 years. Diana’s virginity. In her aforementioned book, Tina Brown wrote, according to Vanity Fair, that Queen Elizabeth chose Diana as her son, but at least strongly suggested, because Charles had been married for the past thirty and the future princess was innocent enough, say, with Camilla Parker Bowles. and the other women who had previously appeared around Charles.

In 1981, at her wedding, in an Emanuel dress.Photo: AFP

The bikini photo is not yet available, but the princely couple’s Australian tour has also made a breakthrough in the foreign press. Diana stole the show from her heir to the throne, the crowd admired her in a state of exorcism as she did with the Beatles in the 1960s, and only then did the American tour follow, where she danced with John Travolta, or the occasion when visited the most offensive neighborhood in New York. , A hospital in Harlem where he was photographed hugging a seven-year-old boy with AIDS. According to TIME, even the most cynical recognized that Diana’s behavior was admirable because HIV and AIDS patients were still highly stigmatized in the 1980s, and there was a misconception that simply touching them could cure the disease.


Charity was not far from the royal family, they did practically nothing else, but Diana raised the matter to a higher level than ever a few months before her death in 1997, when she drew attention to the dangers of landmines in Angola by walk among them. By the end of the year, 164 UN member states had signed the Ottawa Convention on the prohibition of landmines.

Photographer: ANTONIO COTRIM / LUSA via AFP

In August 1997, Princess Diana and her then-boyfriend, Dodi Al-Fayed, fled the paparazzi and were in a car accident at the Alma tunnel in Paris. Al-Fayed and the driver died at the scene, the 36-year-old princess died in hospital shortly after. The often tortuous fairy tale was over, half the world was in mourning and many would have preferred Diana to be enshrined as a saint. At her funeral, her brother, Charles Spencer, also said in his speech that the princess, or more precisely her memory, would already be consecrated now, but said that this was not necessary because she would “lose her human nature.”

Yet Diana has gone down in history as something of a flawless icon, people continue to click in admiration on such news that her eldest son, Prince William, who is second in inheritance to the throne, pulled the same ring on the Catherine’s finger that Charles engaged Diana with, or that after one of her births, Catherine stood out in a similar blue and polka dot dress to pose in front of photographers, as Diana did.

What makes it even more interesting, however, is the sometimes blind passion around Diana that her youngest son, Prince Harry’s wife Meghan Markle, followed a very similar line for a long time, but did not receive as much love as her. mother in law. Also, Markle has been almost all the rage in the British media in recent years. However, like Diana, there was even a movement in the coup, only Markle and the prince intervened, because they not only gave an interview in which they spoke openly, but also saluted the monarchy and let the entire royal family pretend live. everyday life. One that eventually came together for Diana as well. Just a little late.

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