The number of people claiming wage subsidies has increased tenfold in one week


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In a week, the number of government wage subsidy applications has nearly doubled. According to the government, this shows that companies and workers see this as an adequate tool to solve temporary problems caused by the crisis.

Tamás Schanda,
The Secretary of State of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology said in a press conference of the operating personnel:

On Friday, 3,953 employers applied for government wage subsidies for nearly 54,000 workers.

Tamás Schanda catches the end of the jobPhoto: Zsolt Szigetváry / MTI / MTVA

Government agencies decide on requests extremely quickly, within eight business days, he added.

So far, 163,064 people have applied for unemployment benefits or income replacement benefits because they don’t have a job.

The goal is for them to get a job as soon as possible, “if it’s not in the corporate market sector, then with the help of the state.” An important part of the economic protection action plan also focuses on protecting jobs and creating new ones, which is why it offers wage subsidies so that employers can keep workers vulnerable, but they also support labor protection through tax cuts, they offer interest-free loans to businesses and suspend loan repayments. Schanda.

Require companies and employees

  • almost 30 percent of trade,
  • 13.5 percent is manufacturing,
  • 13 percent of accommodation and hospitality services are strongly affected by the epidemic.

operates in its territory. Of the companies applying for support, 60 percent are micro, 26 percent are small, 10 percent are medium, and approximately four percent are larger. However, the number of employees shows the opposite image, most of them work for large companies.

The Secretary of State recalled that the wage subsidy can be used if the employer is unable to hire its full-time employees. Employees whose part-time job falls below 50 percent may receive an allowance of more than 100,000 HUF per month and per person, for whom the part-time period reaches 50 percent, the allowance amount cannot exceed the 75,000 HUF.

Extraordinary job search assistance

It was announced by the mayors of the SE in Budapest. Gy. Németh Erzsébet, Deputy Mayor for Humanities, said at the press conference

his work
at the time of the coronavirus epidemic
The amount of the benefit destined to the lost persons is from 57 to 120 thousand HUF.

Gy. Németh Erzsébet said the government does not provide any support to those who have lost their jobs due to the epidemic, despite the fact that people in other parts of Europe receive 70-90 percent of their salary.

DK mayors have taken on many of the government’s responsibilities thus far, handing out masks, introducing homecare support, and now they are doing so in another case, he said.

  • Cserdiné Németh Angéla XV. The district mayor emphasized that not all districts are equal: they are affected to varying degrees by the economic recession due to the epidemic, and others by their financial opportunities. Depending on the financial situation, the districts of Budapest in the SE give 57-120 thousand forints.
  • Kiss László III. According to the district mayor, this is one of many measures being taken in place of the government, even though the cabinet is constantly “bleeding”, withdrawing money. They don’t leave their citizens alone, they care about the city.
  • László Imre XI. The mayor of the district asked that other leaders follow his example and present extraordinary support for job search in all districts of Budapest.
  • Niedermüller Peter VII. The district mayor also stressed that they deal with the capital. Support is provided to those who have lost their jobs in recent weeks and months.
  • Szaniszló Sándor XVIII. The district mayor said that there is not a district in Budapest that has not been inundated with letters from newly unemployed residents. People feel that the government has disappointed them, he said.


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