The number of patients connected to the ventilator is increasing at such a rate that they have little chance of survival.


“We need to see that even if there are 50 intensive beds in an intensive care unit, but there are enough staff for only 15 patients, each additional patient we add to the remaining 35 beds will also worsen the chances of the 15 patients already treated.” . with enough staff per person, we can say that we have given 15 people a 30 percent chance of survival, we will take an additional 2-3 percent of the existing ones when we admit each additional patient ”, said the doctor to the serious figures on ATV News.

We can fill all 50 beds with patients, only then will the result be that 50 patients lie down in 50 beds with a 2-3 percent chance of survival.

said Ágnes Daróczy-Gaál.

According to him, the so-called triage is already being carried out in all the institutions, which means that they are trying to select the patients with the best chances of survival in the intensive care unit placement.

He also pointed out that with 900 patients hooked up to a ventilator, the system is about to work and he also pointed out that vaccinating someone still doesn’t make them super.

If this increases the load then as expected

There will be 2-3 thousand people who will need a fan. He also said that they could not supply them.

He shared another alert on the show. “In Hungary, patients over 65 are not very intense due to covid, but people in their 30s have also appeared.”

Top image: A doctor in protective gear examines a ventilated patient in an intensive care unit set up to receive coronavirus-infected patients at St. Ladislaus Hospital on April 22, 2020. Source: MTI / Zoltán Balogh
