The number of infected people identified increased by 576 in Hungary


The official government website on coronary artery disease provides the most recent national data.

From this it follows thatAnother 576 Hungarian citizens have been diagnosed with a good coronary infection.

With this, 8963 fre ntt the number of infected people identified in our country. A chronic patient died, the number of victims was 625 and 3,961 were burned.The number of active infections is 4377 f.

The infected workforce was 43, the victims 59 and the incinerated 42 in Budapest.There are 151 patients with coronary artery disease, 11 of whom are ventilated.

The introduction of vrus is the greatest threat to the health of the Hungarian peoplePhoto: Polyk Attila – Origo

The second wave hit Hungary

As the data on new infections warn, the law does not end, the second wave has reached our country, the number of active infections is rising again, so it is very important to continue.Compliance with disciplines, travel restrictions and general hygiene rules.

The introduction of the virus poses the greatest threat to the health and work of the Hungarian people, so the conditions for entry from abroad have become stricter. According to the basic rule, foreign citizens cannot enter the territory of Hungary,Hungarian citizens returning from abroad must complete a 14-day home quarantine.

The document aims to continue avoiding places where there are many people in closed areas, maintain social distance as often as possible, wash our hands frequently and thoroughly, wear the mask in stores and on public transport. Anyone who has been ordered to self-quarantine for residence abroad or for any other reason must strictly comply.Brki, who has symptoms, should not go to the community, but stay home and call a family doctor. By adhering to all of this, we can prevent the spread of infection and introduce new measures that limit our daily lives.
