The number of daily infections in the Czech Republic set a record


In the Czech Republic, 503 new confirmed coronavirus infections were detected on Tuesday, the highest number since the outbreak began in the spring, according to data published on the website of the Czech Ministry of Health on Wednesday morning.

Since March 1, when the first infection was detected, more than 25,000 people have been infected with Covid-19 in the Czech Republic. The highest daily number of cases to date, according to the data reviewed, was 502 new confirmed patients, registered on August 21, writes MTI.

The number of daily cases has increased steadily over the past two weeks.

About 75 percent of the patients have already recovered. So far, 425 people have died as a result of the infection. The current number of patients is 6,576, 166 who need hospital treatment, 32 of which have been classified as serious by doctors. These numbers have also increased moderately in recent weeks.

Although the evolution of the disease is very mild in most of those affected, the rapid increase in the number of daily cases has been a cause for concern. With the opening of schools in September, hygienists expect the situation to get even worse. However, data on this are not yet available. Robert plague According to the Education Minister, teaching has not started in some two dozen schools due to coronavirus problems.

Since Tuesday, the use of a mask is mandatory in health and social institutions, offices, public transport and polling stations. However, for a positive Covid-19 test, the mandatory quarantine has been reduced from two weeks to 10 days. He is in quarantine Karel Havlícek also deputy prime minister and more than a dozen members of parliament.

Adam Vojtech According to the head of the Ministry of Health, the authorities do not currently plan other national precautions, such as restrictions on the opening hours of shops or restaurants. The minister goes on to say that there is no cause for concern at the national level because the authorities are controlling the spread of the infection.

Currently, there are more than one hundred local sources of infection in the country where more precautions are taken. The infection has spread more recently in Prague, where there are currently 46 patients per 100,000 inhabitants. Last week, that number was 39.

Meanwhile, after consulting with the leaders of the V4s, the Hungarian government decided that Czechs, Poles and Slovaks who had previously booked their accommodation in Hungary could enter with a negative coronavirus test of no more than five days, as well as a test negative for Hungarians who had previously stayed in the Visegrád countries. after returning home.

Featured Image: MTI / EPA / Martin Divisek
