The number of active infected people decreased in Budapest and increased by 2.6 percent in rural areas.


According to data on Sunday morning, a total of 3,263 people in Hungary have been infected with the coronavirus so far (more precisely, this is the number of people registered with the disease). In a single day, that number increased by just one and a half percent, with 50 more people contracting the virus than early Saturday morning.

It is especially interesting that the number of patients is still sick, so the number of active cases decreased in Budapest and Pest County (it was 1178 yesterday morning, while now Sunday morning 1172). In contrast, there is a 2.6 percent increase in the number of active cases in the field, that is, the number of those who are still infected (from 726 to 745 on Sunday morning).

8 people died in one day, all chronic patients, according to official government information. 6 of them in the capital or Pest County, 2 victims in rural areas. So far, a total of 413 people have died from the coronavirus, according to official information.

The proportion of hospitalized patients with coronaviruses who appear to be hospitalized appears to be particularly high. Now 812 crowned patients are being cared for in a hospital, 50 of them need a ventilator. That is, more than 40 percent of registered patients with active crowns need hospital care.

The number of cured is 933.

Cover image: Kecskemét, May 7, 2020. Blood is taken from a man to screen for coronavirus infection on May 7, 2020 in Kecskemét. In Bács-Kiskun County, staff from Szeged University collect samples from 954 residents, who were notified in advance to participate in the national examination. Four universities participate in the coronavirus detection program: the University of Semmelweis, the University of Debrecen, the University of Szeged and the University of Pécs. Based on the presumed infection rate, 17,000,780 people were randomly selected to represent Hungarian society by age, gender, and region. MTI / Bus Csaba
