The new strain of Covid identified in South Africa has also appeared in France


The man who was shown on his body had no contact with anyone.

A much more contagious version of the coronavirus, identified in South Africa, was launched in France, the Paris Health Ministry said on Thursday. A few days earlier, a British version, also more contagious, of the virus had been detected in an infected person in France, for the first time during the epidemic.

The South African variant was identified on Wednesday in a sample taken from the body of a man returning from South Africa and living in Haut-Rhin county, near the border with Switzerland. The man showed characteristic symptoms of Covid-19 disease caused by the coronavirus and underwent a test in Switzerland.

The test was positive and a close examination of the sample confirmed the presence of a variant known as 501.V2. This version of the virus was identified in October in the Republic of South Africa, where it caused the majority of new infections. The man was isolated at home at the onset of symptoms and had no contact with anyone he may have infected, the ministry said. The person no longer has symptoms, writes ITN.

On December 25 in Tours, central France, a British version of the virus was identified in an infected French citizen who returned home from London a few days earlier. To identify the two mutations, which are more contagious but not necessarily more dangerous in themselves, health authorities have mobilized to isolate all possible infected and isolate and test those who come into contact with them to prevent the spread of the mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in France. said the Ministry of Health.
