The new strain of coronavirus is also isolating Belgium from Britain


After the Netherlands, Belgium also banned entry from Britain after the release of a more contagious strain of the coronavirus than ever, the BBC writes.

Both Benelux countries have suspended receiving flights from the British, but it is no longer possible to travel to Belgium by train from the island nation.

According to a newspaper article, Germany is considering similar steps.

Boris johnson announced Saturday that they would not yet relax restrictions on Christmas in London and south-east England because the new strain of the virus is spreading extremely fast.

Health workers say there is no evidence yet that the newly identified virus strain is more lethal than previously known or that it would respond differently to vaccines, but it is 70 percent more contagious.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said on its Twitter site that it is in close contact with UK leaders over the new strain of coronavirus.

British Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the new strain of coronavirus had yet to be brought under control, requiring major austerity measures to take effect immediately from Sunday in London and surrounding parts of England.

Hancock told BBC television in Sunday’s political magazine that the government had received official information on Friday afternoon about how fast the new version of the corona virus was spreading, followed by Saturday’s announcement of a three-tier epidemic preparedness system in London and several other areas in south-east England. complements an even stricter fourth grade.

It also came into force in these areas from zero hours on Sunday.

Recent findings suggest that 60% of coronavirus infections in London are caused by the new strain of the virus.
