The new Romanian government is formed


The bicameral Romanian parliament on Wednesday voted to trust Prime Minister Florin Citu’s center-right coalition government, made up of the National Liberal Party (PNL), the USR-PLUS alliance and the Hungarian Democratic Alliance of Romania (DAHR) after of the parliamentary elections of December 6.

The Citu government was voted on by 260 legislators from the coalition parties and the minority faction.
At least 228 votes were required to inaugurate the cabinet. 186 deputies and senators voted against the introduction of the government. According to the Election Commission, 466 legislators won seats in Bucharest’s bicameral parliament, but 11 of them are not yet members of parliament because they have not been sworn in. The takeover or replacement of the government requires the support of a majority of legislators.

Romanian Prime Minister-designate Florin Citu and US Bar-PLUS, co-chair of Dan Barna, Freedom Unity and Solidarity Party (PLUS), and Kelemen Hunor, president of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (DAHR), Deputy Prime Ministers (BJ) formed after the elections before the vote on a new center-right coalition government in the Bucharest Parliamentary Chamber on December 23, 2020.Source: MTI / Ildikó Baranyi

In its parliamentary speech, the Citu government, whose first speech was received by the Social Democrats and the nationalist opposition with a concert of whistles and the center-right coalition with applause, emphasized Europe’s commitment and promised to continue its special military and military relationship. economic with the United States.

He called the end of the health crisis and the recovery of the economy his main objective.

He has promised an investment-based and entrepreneur-friendly economic policy to achieve the highest economic growth in the European Union in the 2024 term of office.

Florin CituSource: AFP / Daniel Mihailescu

Citu, indicated by PNL, noted: for his government, private property is “sacred” and the businessman is a “hero.”

The Prime Minister promised to cut red tape, distribute public burdens more fairly, digitize the state institutional system and put it at the service of citizens. Citu added: retirees and the needy are not left alone either.

Marcel Ciolacu, president of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), the largest but oppressed faction, would be an embarrassment to the nation, Hurry, George Simion, co-chair of the Nationalist Party for the Unification of Romanians (AUR) and leader of the faction of the House of Representatives in the Romanian Parliament.

The House of Representatives of the Hungarian Democratic Alliance of Romania (DAHR) faced a new center-right coalition government following the December 23, 2020 elections in the Bucharest House of Parliament.Source: MTI / Ildikó Baranyi

Speaking on behalf of DAHR, Csoma Botond, the faction leader, noted the lack of interest in the elections: the center-right coalition and the new government must restore confidence in the state, bring a period of stability and construction after the political crises of the last eight years, with successive governments.

Botond Csoma, leader of the Hungarian Democratic Alliance (DAHR) faction in Romania, will cast his vote on the new center-right coalition government formed as a result of the elections in the Bucharest House of Parliament on December 23, 2020.Source: MTI / Ildikó Baranyi

Hungarians in Romania do not represent a threat to national security, they are not enemies of Romanians, they want to contribute to the development of their homeland. Csoma Botond said in his speech.

The new Romanian government will take office on Wednesday night after cabinet members are sworn in before President Klaus Iohannis.
