The movie star, who could have been an informant for György Aczél, but became more of an office worker in America.


He originally studied to be a theater director. Even before graduation, she discovered the film: as a talented and decorative actress. Marianne Krencsey starred in such works as Liliomfi, The Suburban Legend, Two Floors of Happiness, The Case of the Nosty Boy with Mari Tóth, The Land of Promise, The Golden Man, The Naked Diplomat in the nineties and fifties. In addition to his twenty-five film roles, he has acted in a similar number of stage performances, as well as television productions. He has participated in eleven film festivals and weeks in connection with his films. Then, in 1966, he left his homeland. He felt that he would be safer abroad than where, despite his successes, he felt a growing sense of communist power. During his decades in America, he performed only as a hobby, exclusively in front of Hungarian-speaking audiences. The actress’s story also sheds light on Kafka’s characteristics of the Kádár regime.

Epilogue: the role model of the fencing champion who condemned the duel

Krencsey Marianne’s EQUINOX-2001 album was released in 2001, with the subtitle: 35 Years in Budapest, 35 Years in New York. The first four chapters of the album describe in particular the shortcomings of the Rákosi and Kádár regimes that he experienced, and also explain why he left the country in 1966.
According to the author, the volume: Cross section of XX. from one of the most shameful periods in Hungarian history, in light of letters, documents and other documents. In the fourth chapter of the book, the biography of the actress also seems to develop chronologically. This chapter begins: I was born under a lucky star. My mothers were raised with sacrificial love in very difficult circumstances, also in a democratic spirit within the family, for the preservation, importance, learning, work, graduation and sense of responsibility of civic values. They were touched by love and gratitude for her memory. Forced to live in similar conditions, I am not up to their standards.
Marianne Krencsey then mentions that her father is the cousin of the most defining role model from her childhood and youth. It turns out that Géza Adorján Krencsey, the main technical advisor to the capital of Budapest, was not the excellence of fencing. According to an obituary published by Marianne Krencsey in her book, originally published in a newspaper: With his death, he left a true “Européer”, he was a defender and embodiment of the spirit of fair play. He was the most artistic swordsman who achieved European fame as an engineer: he built 60-70 cold stores (…), he, the most artistic swordsman who condemned the duel.
Marianne Krencsey did not promise an autobiography, after summoning the figure of the role model swordsman, she recalls a college episode from the 1950s. Upon learning from her renowned movement teacher that Marianne Krencsey was related to the renowned fencing champion of the previous era, he never spoke to the student again. Overall, Marianne Krencsey’s album of over four hundred pages is more of an accusation. Or rather, he shook himself with the past. Understandable.

Actress Marianne Krencsey (1964)Source: MTI / Éva Keleti

He works in the Anna Church and enters the Faculty of Arts.

Marianne Krencsey was born on July 9, 1931 in Rákoscsaba, after her brother Ivan, as a second daughter. His parents were Vilmos Krencsey and Anna Lackner.
There is no record of his noble father’s profession – it is not even mentioned in Marianne Krencsey’s book – his mother took care of the house and children. He does not write about the circumstances of the family at that time, the war years, the period of the siege, or the subject of his interviews.
However, it is a fact, which was confirmed by Tibor Kalmár, the principal’s former college classmate, who helped write, that the Krencsey family had already lived on Zápor Street in Óbuda when Marianne was in her elementary school.
Marianne Krencsey has worked every summer since she was thirteen. She works as a babysitter, a shop assistant. Once you also work in an office, it feels terribly monotonous. Promise that whatever happens, you will never work in an office again.As a teenager, something else happens to him.
The Sinkovits family also lives on Zápor Street. Marianne becomes close friends with her son Imre, who is three years older. Imre goes to Árpád High School, where he is a member of the scouting team. As an actor, he will mention it often in his interviews: Scouting taught him the faith, morality, patriotism and all the courage that remained an inexhaustible part of his being in the bourgeois world.
Marianne Krencsey Jr., who is younger than Imre Sinkovits, also receives all these values ​​in II. at Queen Gizella Queen’s Elementary School in the district, which, of course, was just as much a part of her family as she was of the Sinkovit.
However, Marianne Krencsey will graduate in the 1949-1950 school year. In the previous school year, the use of old textbooks was banned and students made freshly stamped sheets for lessons. The name of the high school is also changing. First it will be the Queen, then it will be State Gizella, and finally Haman Kató.All these changes do not change the worldview of Marianne Krencsey, who was hired by Bishop József Mindszenty in 1947 at the Church of Santa Ana in Batthyány Square.
After the 1948 change, it will take some time for the Communists to build their total system of control. Therefore, regardless of her religious background, Marianne Krencsey, an excellent student, successfully enrolls in the Hungarian library department of the educational institution renamed Péter Pázmány to the University of Budapest after graduation. / The later ELTE. UPS./
Success will be announced in a letter, with some ideological garnish: The development of our people’s democracy and the realization of socialism provide enormous opportunities for all workers. You, when you applied for university higher education after graduating from high school, understood what task awaits the intelligentsia in building socialism. Did you know that our Party now offers all honest young people loyal to our people’s democracy the opportunity to continue their education.

Exchange school with student director

Of course, there are already selected layers even then.
Shortly before her admission to the College of Arts, Marianne Krencsey is also enrolled in the theater director department of the College of Performing Arts.Its theatrical attraction may have been part of its civic culture, regular visits to the theater and the opera.
/ He mentions in an interview: for the first time at the age of five or six, he was standing “on stage” in the courtyard of the apartment building on Zápor Street under the duster, on which the curtain was fixed – with Imre Sinkovits, opposite to an audience of housewives.
Marianne Krencsey was also driven by impulses that led her brother Ivan, who had chosen a career in engineering, to meet his later wife, Ildiko, who was preparing to become a costume designer, when she reached adolescence. However, Marianne Krencsey’s failed admission to the College of Theater Arts is mainly explained by her civic background. At the time of the transformation of the Theater Academy into a university in 1949, applicants of working and peasant origin already had an advantage there, partly for propaganda purposes.
In January 1951, Marianne Krencsey took an exam at the College of Arts. Eight out of eight subjects with good results. From Marxism to the medium. But it does not matter.
György Vilmon, one of the first-year conducting students at the Faculty of Theater Arts, had already appeared at the university, and when he met Marianne Krencsey, he said that he realized he would be a humanist rather than a director. He also explains that according to the studies department of the Faculty of Theater Arts, the thing can be settled if perhaps he is an exchange student, and both he and the exchange students successfully pass the first semester exams at his school. .
By this formula, Marianne Krencsey’s origin and her average performance since Marxism are not an obstacle either.Marianne Krencsey is beginning her second semester as an acting student.
It was like an angel was among us– Tibor Kalmár remembered Marianne Krencsey’s arrival at Origo.
Launched in 1950 under the direction of Endre Marton and Zsuzsa Simon, which is actually a combined class of director, playwright and actor, it is officially called the “experimental class.” Mainly because of its composition: initially, the majority of the class of 27 people is made up of blue-collar workers. Skilled miners, turners, locksmiths, some of them previously worked at Rákosi Works. The number of students who have just graduated and socialized in a civic setting is only three, even after the arrival of Marianne Krencsey. The other two are Tibor Kalmár and Judit Nagy. After graduating from the latter, he will be a Film, Theater and Music critic. UPS./

At the home of actress Marianne Krencsey. (1956)Source: MTI / Tormai Andor

Abdominal breathing, then atonement in Stalin

Marianne Krencsey, blonde, of a special beauty, but naive-looking, is really well informed. Observe, analyze world events, try to interpret the political processes taking place abroad and in your own country.
As a conducting student, you can participate in rehearsals at the National Theater during the first year.
There he sees for the first time a Soviet-style ritual of exclusion, public humiliation, Among whose victims is Gizi Bajor, when Miklós Gábor, who was also party secretary at the time, created once in rehearsal, for pedagogical purposes, a situation that not even the theater’s number one actress could solve.
At the university, one of his classmates – who will continue his studies in Moscow from the second year on – will avenge the arrival of Marianne Krencsey, as well as a civil stunt double, by announcing Zsuzsa Simon and Endré Marton, respectively, as József Révai, Acting Minister of Popular Culture. The reason: three students of civil origin are preferred.Until the fellow student leaves for Moscow, Zsuzsa Simon spends most of her time in disciplinary talks at the party headquarters, rather than teaching. There is no document left on the reflections of the party center, but there is a living witness in the person of Tibor Kalmár that the classmates of the cadres were willing to believe the accusations of the jealous whistleblower. Still, at the time of the events, they can only cite one example of everything they believe to be a typical example of ideologically-based selection. Namely what the oratory teachers respectively illustrate the ideal abdominal breathing for the actors pressing the belly of the striking Marianne Krencsey.At the end of the 1951 school year, Marianne Krencsey and Tibor Kalmár reconsidered their situation and applied for a job at Stalin in Stalin’s city in the form of “penance.” / Formerly Dunapentele, then Dunaújváros. Sz.Á. / At that time the gigantic hardware stores and the surrounding urbanization. However, Marianne Krencsey and Tibor Kalmár are glassy lists. They get cultural works, they entertain the working class.Meanwhile, their friendship deepens, so much so that it never occurs to them to cross their borders.

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