The Ministry of Finance has been sued for secreting the Simonka case


Miklós Ligeti, the managing director of Transparency International Hungary, told ATV Start that Transparency is suing the Ministry of Finance for refusing to reveal how it controlled the spending of certain micro-regional development funds related to the Simonka case, which the prosecution has already indicted. .

As Ligeti, the EU anti-fraud office, said, OLAF has repeatedly stated that there is a problem with the use of EU funds in Hungary. Between 2015 and 2019, irregularities were found in programs implemented in Hungary with 2700 EU funds.

According to Miklós Ligeti, the seriousness of the problems is indicated by the fact that the European Commission orders us a much higher repayment rate than in other Central European countries.

The Hungarian prosecutor’s office processed 47 per cent of the cases reported by OLAF, which, according to Miklós Ligeti, is not such a bad ratio, but also drew attention to the fact that the Elios case, the Metro 4 case and the Microsoft scandal, or the Bridge. Cases throughout his world have been left out of prosecution investigations.

Featured image: Balázs Ivándi-Szabó /
