The ministerial commissioner responsible for epidemiological coordination will be removed


Tibor Benkő, who heads the Ministry of Defense, sends one of his ministerial commissioners without naming who he is, but it is known that he is a politician responsible for the development of the defense administration, who originally held his position until August, and was responsible for the coordination of epidemiological tasks.

Photo: MTI Photo – In the left corner of the image is András József Balogh wearing glasses, along with Szilárd Németh, the then Minister Tibor Benkő and the Undersecretary of State István Szabó.

“Acting in the capacity specified in Article 22 (1) of Law CXXV of 2018 on Government Administration, I give the following instruction: Article 1 Instruction HM 62/2019 (IX. 12.) on the appointment of the Ministerial Commissioner is repealed. . “- this is exactly what is stated in the Official Gazette published Thursday night that Defense Minister Tibor Benkő will dismiss one of his commissioners with effect from Friday.

However, on the basis of the specified HM instruction, it can be concluded that it is Colonel András József Balogh, who has been appointed Ministerial Commissioner for the Development of the National Defense Administration for two years until August 1, 2021. His responsibilities included supervising the measures that could be introduced in the special legal order, coordinating the development of state aeronautical legislation in the defense sector, coordinating public health and epidemiology in the defense sector, and proposing renewals of certain elements of the military authority. .

The most interesting of these is that currently defense actors and institutions belonging to the ministry participate in the performance of epidemiological tasks – they help in the work of hospitals, they patrol, they can serve in designated companies – so it is surprising that András József premature coronavirus pandemic.

Colonel András József Balogh is a recognized expert within the Armed Forces, and Tibor Benkő also insisted on this: in 2019, civilians replaced the heads of some military personnel in the Defense Ministry, including the now resigned ministerial commissioner. Until then, he was the Undersecretary of State for Legal and Administrative Affairs, then Renáta Korom of the Prime Minister’s Office headed by Antal Rogán, as wrote at the time of the incident, and the article suggested that Benkő could be pushed. in the background, but in the end it happened: to this day he is the minister.
