The Metropolitan Court would annul the SZFE Law with the Constitutional Court


The Metropolitan Court proposes to the Constitutional Court to annul the law that implements the change of model of the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts, according to the statement of the SZFE students. The Constitutional Court must rule out of turn, but no later than 90 days.

“In October 2020, more than 150 citizens of the SZFE requested the Constitutional Court to annul the Model Change Law, but in our case, there is no deadline for the Constitutional Court, unlike the judicial initiative,” they write.

The SZFE HÖK “was the first to attack the statute and the organizational and operational rules arbitrarily created by the illegitimate board of directors, which deprived our Senate of its essential powers.” In our action, we asked the court to request the Constitutional Court to annul the SZFE Law approved in July and Section 94 (6) of the Higher Education Law, on the basis of which the Board of Trustees was established and acted accordingly. .

Examining our case, the Metropolitan Court itself considers these legal provisions unconstitutional, therefore – suspending its own processes – it proposes to the Constitutional Court the annulment of the Model Change Law.

– affirms in the communication.

If the Constitutional Court repeals the SZFE Law, the institution’s model change will be null and void.
