The Media Viewer, which works for the government, ranked Kurucinfo among the balliberal newspapers


The Media Viewing Center directed by Levente Boros Bánk published this Wednesday an exciting media analysis in all aspects Increased diversity with the title. The company, which by the way monitors and investigates the press for the government for 1.3 billion this year, has basically found that anyone in Hungary has easy access to all news sources; the media market is balanced; The media is predominantly Hungarian-owned, regardless of political values, and the number of Baliberal media has been growing steadily since the change of government in 2010, which is also profitable.

Levente Boros Bánk, director of the Media Viewing CenterSource: MTVA

They sought to present the diverse and thriving media situation with the data that, according to their calculations, “In ten years, 19 balliberal surfaces came into operation and only 4 media stopped working”. NEO FM, Népszabadság,, were classified.

The creators did not help much in what exactly they mean by balliberal classification, but you can see in the attached table that they have Holocam, Gypsy crime Y Jewish crime Kurucinfó, who works with columns, falls into this category as does the Woman’s Diary.


The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see
