The mayor of Göd requests the annexed territories from the Constitutional Court.


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Csaba Balogh, the instant mayor of Göd, and András Fekete-Győr, president of Momentum, are filing a complaint with the constitutional court over the separate Göd territories.

In mid-April, the government declared the Samsung plant area in Göd a special economic zone, citing protection of the economy. In practice, this means that 20 percent of Göd’s territory will be transferred to the Fidesz County Assembly, and the trade tax paid by the factory will also go to the County Assembly instead of the local government. With this decree, about a third of the city’s budget was removed.

Csaba Balogh is now turning to the Constitutional Court because, according to him, the measure violates the Fundamental Law in several aspects:

  • the principle of proportionality does not apply: the decoupling of 20 percent of the city is a severely disproportionate restriction of municipal property, just as the loss of a significant part of the budget is a significant restriction of rights, which makes management difficult of the emergency

  • the government did not leave enough time for those involved to prepare for the new situation: neither the municipality of Göd, nor the counties of Pest, nor the representatives of Samsung agreed on this. In addition to regulation, the parties received only conflicting guidelines. Therefore, negotiations are currently taking place between Göd and the county about how the county can take on responsibilities and tasks for which it has neither the apparatus nor the capacity.

  • the decree is clearly discriminatory: nowhere else, where real problems have arisen regarding the operation of factories and the implementation of their investments, the government did not intervene (Debrecen, Kecskemét, Győr), only here.

  • the decree violates local government property rights: several hundred million forints of real estate were transferred to the local Pest county government, which is not even subject to nationalization rules.

After the government took over the township area, citing the emergency, and began investing money in the Samsung factory, it ordered HUF $ 42 billion in infrastructure development to build an 80-hectare area. In an interview with 444, Csaba Balogh said that, in his opinion, this expansion shows that the government is planning in the long term with the area and did not make this decision only because of the emergency.

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