The man who threw a high school girl from Borsodnádasd into a catchment area was given eighteen years


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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The Debrecen Sentencing Panel sentenced the MTI to the young man who threw his unconscious friend into a catchment area in Borsodnádasd in September 2017, who drowned in water.

The body of the high school girl from Borsodnádasd was found next to the village church, in a narrow, concreted water mine, after a girl baking bacon with her friends in one of the village’s small lakes came home to the agreed time and start searching. The perpetrator, a 20-year-old man, was also there at the bakery.

In March, the Miskolc Court of First Instance sentenced the man to four years in prison for negligent manslaughter, but the prosecution appealed the classification of negligent manslaughter and the aggravation of the sentence.

During the second instance process, new circumstances arose as a result of which the panel of judges “substantially altered the facts.” According to the announcement, the defendant was found guilty by the verdict of guilty of homicide for a vile motive and with special cruelty.

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