The man from Tatabánya, who jokingly pushed the client to die in the fall, may turn five


An accusation was made against the man who pushed a joker at the gas station to death, writes

The man from Tatabánya and his companion stopped refueling at a gas station last October, after which they were shopping at the well store when a drunk approached them and jokingly asked: “Is the tank full?” To this, the defendant, also drunk, hit the joking man, who fell on his back, and hit his head on the floor so that he later died in the hospital.

The Komárom-Esztergom County Prosecutor’s Office requested five years in prison for the detainee, who had already confessed his actions at the investigation stage, which he explained by his drunkenness. The prosecution also asked the court to keep the man in detention pending the verdict due to the risk of recidivism.

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