the Magi, women, weapons and lots of alcohol


By the early 90s, Zámbó was already a national star, his tapes and records sold out by hundreds of thousands, but not all of his performances went well. We had already written about the Tököl case, but it was similar in 1995, according to the press, Jimmy acted drunk, he did not know about Mosonmagyaróvár that it was a town or a town, and “he persecuted” them. late, he brought two glasses to the stage and tested his health with ten guests in a row. Then he spotted the ladies on the stairs all the way. he tried to ask them about their private things, “the Post wrote at the time.


Many screamed in outrage, they went home prematurely, but there were women who told Jimmy their depressing opinion directly at the entrance of the artist. And how did the evening end? “He endured the attack alongside his bodyguards and explained that he couldn’t do more to come to the city. That statement only affected his fifteen or twenty fans, who half consciously trembled so as not to ruin them. “

Evacuated the bodyguard once

“He was also not ordinary in his entertainment, although this was interpreted differently by some. His enthusiasm was increased by the fact that after drinking the drink from the glass, he threw the empty glass behind his head. The glass broke. Krisztián , in his book written for the bodyguard.

In one place, the owner couldn’t take his nerves, challenging a gang from the underworld to deal with the drunken singer and bodyguard. “If they don’t disappear in ten minutes, Zambo Jimmy will never sing again!” said the cold threat. “A team from the underworld called us, they also said that this squad would arrive in ten minutes. I had a long time to pay the bill and leave,” the bodyguard recalled. Jimmy did not feel the danger, repeatedly stating that he was afraid of no one but God, but the bodyguard eventually, against his will, put him in the car and removed him from the scene.

The tour of the Magi

Darido appeared on the screen of TV2 on New Year’s Eve 1997. It was a great success, which is why since May 1998 it appeared as an independent program on Friday night, breaking viewership records. In the fall of 1998, after TV2’s first birthday, the idea of ​​organizing Lagzi Lajcsi’s Daridó tour came up. Zambó Lajcsi asked Jimmy and Attila Pataky as partners, and with this the successful trio joined. The tour was called The Three Kings (Lajcsi is the merchant, Jimmy is the pop, while Pataky was the king of rock music) and became the most successful series in the history of Hungarian light music, Bors wrote.


“The concert tour was on a big budget, Jimmy had a lot of requests that blew his budget, plus we all got good gas, so we figured we wouldn’t have more than three parties anyway. Tickets were sold out in no time. We always hit with a married couple’s concert, ”Lajos Galambos recalled.

“After a while, it wasn’t just our music that was going strong on stage. Attila Pataky and Jimmy were also strong-willed, determined and moralistic people, so there was a lot of tension between them. Jimmy had problems many times, it was not easy to work with him. He was a maximalist who could not bear that something did not happen the way he wanted. For example, when we were getting ready for one of the tracks and Anikó Ungár loved her taking it out of a box, or we had to try again five times, because when she came out of the box, her hairs were not standing as she would have liked ”, said the trumpeter.

Lowest point of a successful tour

The lowest point of the multi-station tour was at Miskolc. Attila Pataky wanted him to say goodbye, as for him, as training, Miskolc means a lot, but Zámbó did not want Pataky to be the last interpreter. “It is often said that whoever finishes a show takes off the crown. Jimmy didn’t want that to happen. The last word was always his. He fought this and he did it, “Lagzi Lajcsi said once on Frisbee.” Okay, finish it, man, “said Jimmy Pataky, who said he didn’t like the style and became nervous and tense.


“Man, don’t drink more now!” – He already said it on stage, so he humiliated the training in front of Zámbó, practically his own audience in Miskolc. Gun to Attila Jimmy Pataky. “He was playing with his gun all the time. He always had a gun. Also on stage. I don’t even understand why. It was the same revolver that caused his death in 2001.

The conflict was actually caused by Jimmy apparently going to get Pataky to finish the party in Miskolc, but he backed down, came out last. “He didn’t give the old rocker this seat. And that would have been good for Attila. There are people you can’t talk to. He fought for himself during his life to be called king,” Dario recalled.

He was reluctant to cancel a concert.

Of course, the newspapers were more concerned with his private life, but in the meantime he was working hard, touring the country and selling his cassettes and records in industrial quantities. He didn’t give up stocks, at least not often. “On a drunken night a considerable amount of alcohol was consumed. Jimmy also drank three or four bottles of whiskey one night during his uplifting period. After such a night, I had to move to another place, if I remember correctly, we went from Szentes or Szeged to Berettyóújfalu. He sat next to me on the mother’s seat and slept on the way. We got to the gym. I tried dating someone, to no avail. He moved, breathed, but couldn’t open his eyes. We arrived quite late. That meant he had to be on stage in ten minutes, ”his bodyguard relived one of the stories in his book.


It woke him up, without much success at first. “We drew the curtains, I put two people at the end of the hall so they wouldn’t let anyone in. We grabbed Jimmy and took her to the locker room. We turned on the water tap, washed his face with cold water, little by little we recovered. Ten minutes later, he composed himself, dressed, took the stage and sang throughout the concert. He did not leave himself, did not respond to the action. As far as his audience is concerned, it is not known that it is impossible, “he praised the bodyguard.

“Sometimes I didn’t even touch the glass for half a year. In the end, he stopped with the whiskey. From time to time he splashed or drank champagne. He did not speak of dying, of growing old. He once said of course she wants to live to raise her three children and start them in life. It was also his vocabulary: “I work as much as a ram. He planned to build another apartment in Csepel’s house, and once his eldest son, Krisztián, married, he could live with them, ”he recalled.

In the fourth and final part of our series of articles, we bring to life the day of Zambó Jimmy’s death.
