The longest bridge in the country is in constant motion.


Tímea Hanák, Europe’s first female bridge teacher, talks about the details.

Tímea Hanák was the first woman in Europe to be a viaduct bridgemaster at just 27 years old, and she has been responsible for the longest bridge in Hungary, the Kőröshegy Valley Bridge, for 14 years.

In addition to the regular inspection of the condition of the 88-meter-high structure, it is also responsible for 435 other small and large artifacts in the area. In the video of Magyar Közút Zrt. Recently published, the bridge master introduces the viewer to the viewer in various small details about the bridge.

The bridge is inspected weekly and after the rain the bridge drainage system is also inspected. Stub gauges are inspected and read quarterly, and there are mandatory semi-annual and annual inspections to ensure proper bridge operation.

The bridge master said.

The bridge is in almost constant motion.

In Fonyód there is one end of the bridge, here there is a very special element, the so-called expansion structure, which helps the bridge to move in case of temperature change.

The elements controlled by this structure converge in winter, expand in summer and their movement can vary by more than ten centimeters depending on the weather.

Tímea Hanák said.

More interesting details can be seen in the video.
